lochaber, guillotine enthusiast

“16.56 to 23.18 years”

I wonder if I could get as much help from the cops if I accidentally leave my wallet on the bus...

As bad as it is that Harris was charged, I find almost as disturbing that there seems to be almost no news coverage of him getting charged.

of course they aren’t going to study it.


Glocks have a “safety” that’s like a little lever within the trigger, so it’s much easier to have a negligent discharge then with other models that have the safety as a separate mechanism from the trigger.

just another example to illustrate your point:

to be fair, the pigeons outside my apartment are more articulate then most right wingers...

that pyramid scheme/MLM won’t work out if she doesn’t include the contact info :/

if you thiink MUNI is bad, you should head over to the east bay and give AC Transit a try...

I’ve been thinking something similar for a while now. I think it would be bad for the world, and playing into Russia’s hands for something like Calexit, but at the same time, I think it might be the only way through.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot too, and I just can’t see it.

I’m too lazy to look it up, but didn’t the main character in Stephen King’s The Running Man end the story by flying an airliner into a skyscraper?

too bad we can’t do something similar for firearm purchasers:

“the neighborhood witch told me that if brought to term, the baby would be a gender-fluid socialist, and would go on to have a successful career in politics and be the first president to enact the repeal of the 2nd amendment”

I think I’ve seen a warning about acrylamide and McDonald’s french fries.

Every apartment building I’ve lived in has them, every workplace I’ve worked in has them, most of the stores I go to have them, and I ignore them because they are meaningless and are simply there to ward off lawsuits.
