
Dem terries at it again.

Hardangervidda baby

Always remember, the first thing to do when in a tornado is to run up and get as close as possible to giant glass windows.

I had the same thing happen and then I updated my video card drivers. I also had to reset my pc. After all that I haven’t had any problems.


They did such a great job on their character design. I mean lazy.

It’s that thing we’re literally living in.

We’re literally living in a time you guyz.

Sonic, the ultimate try-hard.

I’m guessing the title of the magazine is going to be called “Giant clocks and french doors quarterly”?

The power of Christ compels you.....to circumvent DRM and copywrite laws.

I think it has more to do with Blizzard’s code. There have been many times when I killed someone and didn’t expect to. Particularly headshots with the sniper character. I was one of those, when I first played and saw someone getting a 6 kill streak, to think that person is cheating. After doing it myself I felt as

And 4 is greater than 3. This changes everything.

For how crazy and dangerous these videos are I’ve never heard or read about someone dying doing it.

The captions says 1990 but the pictures says 1965.

Wow really? I was thinking that’s what brought out that 80s vibe for me. Pretty impressive if he’s doing it by eye.

More rotoscope pls

Dial me up a copy of that.


This is my holy grail.