
It’s full of these guys

It’s a vase because it appears to be a vase. It can not be anything else because reasoning.

I’ve used my gear vr to watch umvc3 matches on twitch. It is actually pretty immersive but the only problem is it overheats the phone in about 15 minutes.

It’s only a matter of time.

Bring it.

Who run Bethesda?

Didn’t it reopen? I’m not from NY but when I moved here 2 years ago I made sure to go to a chinatown fair on mott st. As far as I know it’s still open.

Now playing

Rochelle asks, “What turns you on most…the young girls or the young boys?” His alleged response: “Both of them do. Both of them.”

Hey I know another guy who “did boy scouts for 20 years”

Looks like my bunny-hopping nightmare.

I heard the same thing happened to Frankie Carbone

Now playing

Not enough african games, not enough african movies.

Or how hot that shit would be in the summer?

Thanks for reminding me about this that I had as a kid.

Two Wongs don’t make a right.
