
Al Gore is a Fot Stone Fox. Tipper Gore got chumped. Never should a let him go

HPV I would not bother to Disclose. In men, Unless it's the strain that causes wart's they have no signs or symptoms. part of a Well Woman exam under the ACA ( Free) is a Pap smear. so if you have acquired it from a partner than you follow the protocol until your Cervix is all better!!! There are so many variables and

Sounds good!!! My sister just suggested we have Summer Sausage and a cheese ball. If you add wine, you have a book club!!! Better get started now :-)

Yeah, That just comes and goes.Your not Dirty or gross. It's one of those things that makes your body a pain in the ass!!!! Hahahaha!!

I read the Eyre Affair and I was on the fence about it. It sounds like some of his future books in the series are more of what I expected in terms of the book police interacting with characters.....It's been so long!!! I might have to reevaluate this one.

YES!! Book Slut here......(Also called Book Snob by Mr PoBeep !) Just finished Night Film: A Novel by Marisha Pessl I loved it. Best read with a Kindle or Nook there is a big Social Media component to it. I just started And The Mountains Echoed.I just started it and am looking forward to it!!!

Wow High School!! I miss you!

NO means NO. how about that?

Look at HushPuppy Livin' the life! Who Da Man?????

Yes!!! man I love that girl!! She has a bright future ahead!

I try to keep away from the mayhem that is Black Friday. It is wonderful that this Good Samaritan wants to show me a good time so I'm not all sad and lonely on this national extravaganza. Fortunately, I'm on the *Right* coast to avoid this particular Black Friday fistfight waiting to happen.

I am in awe of this lovefest in the midst of this depressing thread. The 5% of GawkerMedia Meanies are here so you guys are amazing!!! My pool is an ankle deep mineral spring so it's always warm.....Care to join me before I fling myself face-down due to some of these think before they type types????

I want to cuddle up with the King of the stove top, NF!!!!

I can see you!!!

Yeah...I was a *Black* but Now I'm a *Grey*...It looks like the Twitter Trick is gonna be my thing!! Have a nice night and good Luck!

Take their little Asses to 12 Years a Slave. Boom.

The same thing happened to me....In the last 24 hours. How do we look into it....Or do we just Suck It???