Little Debbie

If I were producing a comedy show, I’d try to make it funny. I watched the first half-hour, thought that both bits were way too long and way too unfunny, so I went to bed.

This is what infuriates me about Gawker, their whole corporate attitude is that recreational drugs are fun and lighthearted. They even have a drugs sub blog. Anyone remember Jia’s oh so cute article on how to smuggle your drugs onto a plane?

It’s tough to get your concealed weapon out of your fanny pack after 17 beers when your hands are slick with barbecue sauce.

If there is one thing that would have made everyone safer here, it would have been untrained crossfire from amateurs with hero complexes.

And people think I’m horrible.

So the shooter was egged on, fell from a wall, and was injured in the fall. I think we’re looking for Humpty Dumpty.

Yeah this would never happen somewhere peaceful, like the Bay Area.

I’ve been offline all day until a few moments ago.

...they did weird skits like “Pigs in Space.”

I was wondering what kind of tone they were going to go for when they put up this billboard.

Those beach goers will be in for a shock when they attempt their own lovemaking

There are only two robotic solutions to overpopulation: killer robots or sex robots. I say we go with the sex robots.

There is nothing wrong with being Robo-sexual.....

my leg was being run over.

Is this the guy?

Have you noticed Uber does not call drivers..drivers?

I spend quite a bit of time on the island of Jura, (which is Diura in Gaelic) the name of which means Island of Deer, so that gives an idea of how many of them there are compared to the people.