Oliver Baker

Couple of main reasons really.

Three years is nothing for a half decent laptop. Stick an ssd in it and it should run windows 10 like a dream.

Peugeot did make a 307 convertible, the 307 cc, which is closer to a sedan than the hatch and estate models.

Yeah, it’s basically unamious that the British Auto Industry, at the very least, helped to kill themselves off. They were making really unreliable cars and anything in enough numbers probably would’ve lead to something similar happening to British LeyLand.

Chrome based, means, synthetically at least, it should get similar results to chrome and opera.

I imagine it’ll be as fast as normal Firefox synthetically.

It was meant to be a bit snarky, in hindsight I should have added a sarcasm tag, really if you can deal without the 3.5mm jack you’d be better off with the new one but it seems more useful to compare against other flagships rather than it’s predecessor.


Trucks are only restricted to 50 MPH in mainland Europe. England and Wales have 60 MPH on Dual Carriageways/ Motorways (Read Highways)

To be fair that’s been the case for the past 100 years really too. 20 years is too long for a generation to have any real meaning.

Guessing an external power pack/ power case type thing.

Yeah, I entirely agree with you and am glad that at the lower end, at least in the UK, manufacturers are still mostly putting sd-cards in.

Well the pixelbook is a vaguely proper laptop. You can stick Linux on them and run a desktop office suite (Not MS office though). Also Google laptops have never been cheap. The Nexii phones and tablets were affordable considering specs but a cheap chromebook has never been (just) Google branded.

Google aren’t “doing away” with SD cards with the pixels. They never really seemed to like them and the last nexus with it was, AFAIK, the nexus one was the only nexus phone to have an sd card slot.

In that case they shouldn’t market it as an unlimited plan.

Tweetstorms are stupid, I agree with you but 280 or 420 character messages are sometimes worth it. It can end up making your point an awful lot better than 1 tweet without you sending an essay formatted in tweets.

It’s someone sending a long, for twitter, piece of text (500 or so characters minimum probably) through replies to themselves on the site. It means you can make slightly more detailed points without having to redirect to a different site.

No it won’t ruin twitter. People are going to continue to use tweetstorms regardless of what twitter does to them. Clearing up formatting problems seems like a good thing really and occasionally multiple tweets have their purpose (not everyone has a website and Facebook forces users to log on).

This may well have less cover than usual. Pewdiepie lives in England and England does have hate speech laws. I doubt he actually broke any of these laws as I’m fairly sure they require intent but you could definitely be prosecuted online through our hate speech laws.

It also doesn’t help that weather forecasting isn’t a precise job. Even the best aren’t going to be 100% reliable and they almost certainly won’t be predicting it for your town, which may well have different weather to the next town over let alone the nearest large city.