Oliver Baker

If it’s not busy and you explain what the drink is what’s the problem? I may well be ignorant but I thought most of the problem was from people presuming the “Secret menus” are gospel not people politely asking for a couple of additions to a drink.

The problem comes when moderates see the extremes of the opposing side. If you had never seen a traditional right-winger and had only seen people from the alt-right you’d probably end up making similar generalisations to those called SJWs. In fact simply by calling yourself Left wing they may well call you an SJW. Of

It hasn’t been a tech site for fucking years. Even back when Gawker was big Giz crossposted loads from them. I want Giz to return to it’s roots but it isn’t surprising they’re writing an “article” like this now.

Twitter politics appears to be almost entirely comprised of the two extremes. I like the site but wouldn’t want to use it for political views or to attempt to understand people who I ideologically disagree with.

It’s quite clearly weak sarcasm.

To be fair, there is fairly strong scientific consensus that Humans aren’t helping the matter. As SomethingForWork said the worst case scenario of us working on reducing the human impact on our climate is that we have energy Independence which seems like it should have bipartisan support.

Alt right possibly, but probably not right-wing. Economically the US hasn’t really progressed as much as other western countries. Socially they are pretty much in line though, which seems to be the main difference between Alt-right and right-wingers.

Your second point if it were to happen would also be a case of history repeating itself. The UK, USA, France etc managed to avoid becoming communist by incorporating more welfare into law if they hadn’t there would definitely have been a chance for that to happen either around 1900 for France and the UK or 1930s for

I don’t know about the others but Nerdcubed was fairly blatantly poking fun at it. He has had two series on bad games before now before stopping making new ones last time he refreshed his channels.

It’s a shite game. They allow Huniepop which is almost as bad but has at least some game in there. They also allow GTA which still has Nudity. I don’t mind that Valve took this down but I’d rather it was because they were cracking down on quality not for some bizarre reason about nudity.

Well there’s hypocrisy both sides of the divide.

Basically any old European city isn’t going to suit cars well to be honest. 

You say for anything. If it’s something that you’re doing by yourself for a hobby or something then compatibility probably isn’t that important.

Many people have a Windows computer as well though and that won’t care what MP3 player you’re using.

This article is about online versions only and only seems to be referring to the free versions where Microsoft Office no longer really has any clear advantage other than compatibility with the offline version of office.

You can still buy MP3 players. Sansa have a couple still in their clip range and Sony still offer a few different designs of walkman branded players. Some even built into headphones. I know they aren’t Apple ones and won’t work exactly the same way but broadly they would and a lot smaller than a modern Smart Phone.

The American system is, in a way, worse. You have to have some kind of insurance and people have been bankrupted by having to get a medical procedure. There are multiple countries in Western Europe (France, Germany etc) that have some socialised health care but some procedures aren’t free. The UK has gone one step


VW own Audi, it can still be a cartel if you want.