Also, Kim Jong Il loved American cinema, saw most of our films. I assumed Parker & Stone were trolling Kim but good, knowing he'd see it.
Oh, ITA. I was very disappointed with that Darcy...No heat.
Generally, romance is NOT my thing. I am such a hard sell when it comes to who I'm 'supposed' to like in movies. Alan Rickman made me ache to marry Brandon myself in "S & S". That dude has some charisma. And of course the voice!
Nice that male actors/celebrities/ALL penis-havers are allowed to age. Very few females walk around with silver hair, for example. Remember the shitstorm when Duchess Kate started by showing a bit of gray at the roots—-while breastfeeding? We ladies aren't allowed to look over 30.
Hottest character (imo)... Colonel Brandon:
Brooke Shields = PERFECT. I nominate Dermot Mulroney for the meaty villain role as her cheating husband/stock 'acquiring'/Worst Boss Ever, Green. It could be Dermot's "Star '80"!
Til this, I thought I was alone in having nipples. Yay awareness!
Dual motives. Andrew Borden was extremely wealthy, and the daughters did not want to share ANYTHING with the stepmother they HATED. Lizzie particularly hated her. Some speculate that the sisters also blamed the stepmother for their (potential) sexual abuse.
Pudgy, if you followed the case, you'd understand where that speculation comes from. No snark intended.
I did it.
(I love me too!)
I did it. I used sexism to beat the rap, and my sister & I inherited ALL the money to boot! Come visit Maplecroft sometime; unlike our father' house, it has running water and indoor toilets. THUG LIFE!!!
Brad Pitt's hairstyles are all about which role he's playing. WWZ had him in the stringy-long look FOREVER. His hair is always for a role; I think he kind of has use it to 'ugly up' or otherwise somehow appear to be not "BRAD PITT!!!", every time he's in a movie. Because god bless him, he doesn't have the greatest…
Indeed I am. Thank you.
Totally. Did no one notice those gals were useful at homemaking, having & feeding & raising the children, fucking even, before the war? Really?