Stupid | Clever

Pop quiz: What are Tom Cruise and Ben Stiller’s respective heights? Here are a few photos to help your guess:

Bad advice - no way this will wait 832 days. More likely: this will be used against you in the dreaded Seating Chart Negotiations. Uhg. Those are the worst!

“Or.. can stop giving a fuck about your apparent height.”

Nice comment - thanks for the perspective!

Yup - critical phase of the test plan.

Yeah, yeah, of course you’re right. This last change in administration highlighted the concept that “you can always trust authority.. until you can’t.” There is no such thing as appropriate invasion of privacy - even when it catches the bad guys.

Gawd, the mixed feels! Of course, this is fucked-up - sneaky FBI bastards snooping in the third person. Then again, if this catches even one idiot fucking child molester, good. And finally, who the fuck uses the Geek Squad and DOESN’T expect a teen nerd is going to at least search for .jpg on your hard drive?

Title edit suggestion (Buzzfeed Style Guide):

Don’t worry, while these snobby science-types bicker over bureaucratic Peer Reviews and other unnecessary process, we’ve been hard at work in my mom’s basement - trust me, it’s safe...

IBM has a similar patent, but I think Apple wins:

Uhm, Dad here - no one should be allowed to ask my 14 year old daughter for sexual pictures on Facebook - not someone who created an account as an adult man, adult woman, minor, major, aardvark, or other. Maybe narwhals, but that’s it.

Same boat. Friends turned into Wife+Friends turned into Wife+Kids+Friends turned into Wife+Kids pretty much. Still in contact, still hang on occasion, but less and less frequently. I yearn for that social circle sometimes, but what I actually miss was being 20-something and living the 20-something lifestyle.

..or maybe, the Wookiees are like the French, and just prefer Shyriiwook over that dirty English gutter-speak!  

Chinese humans who conduct business with westerners often adopt western nick names - I’m quite sure ‘Yaaarghhharbluuuurgh’ (aka Chewbacca) did the same.

Nice post! Sounds like we can learn a lot from science! Spread the word!!

Dell - I humbly suggest Gizmodo apply the following visual metaphor to this, and all future ever-expanding personal data breaches. I believe it represents how most of us average consumers feel as these things expand.


I agree on the need for similar wording for support etc. - but from a legalese standpoint, that’s overly broad. They could/should have absolutely locked down the scope of what they use their access for - specifically support of the Cloud Cam service. This is written intentionally broad imho (having read too many terms

Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. But, from Amazon’s existing Cloud Cam Terms of Service (emphasis mine):

I bet this acquisition is more about data than it is about home/office entry. Amazon will acquire Ring, make the cloud recording service free for all Prime customers, and they will turn their AI to mining front-door video data. What can they learn about front-door data, you ask? Everything. When do you go to work?