
"Hi!" he says. "I'm Troy!"

Those seats!

Just this morning I saw a guy with "///MX-5" badges on his BMW, accidentally outing himself as a Miata.

Or maybe it was a

I love the legacy gt! One of the guys over at oppositelock is in the process of swapping in a LS engine and transmission and nissan rear assembly into one, it's kinda insane.

Fifteen pound kitty on my NB's back shelf.

I know for sure that you cant get a clean, reliable Legacy GT with under 130K for less than $8000

How did you rig that bike rack? I'm trying to figure out how to put a rack on my NB without a trailer hitch.

Bentley facade + Hummer = BUMMER.

The Mazda 6 also came in a hatchback which was my favorite. I give Mazda a lot of credit for doing the 6 in a Sedan, Wagon and Hatchback all at the same time. I tried to buy one once but it did not work out.

I believe you are forgetting something...

how about my NA and W123 in my dad's garage? close enough?

Obvious answer is obvious.
