
He’s not the lead, but he’s almost the anchor (at least for the first 2 eps.) and he’s really good. I hadn’t seen Squid Game, so I had nothing to go off of, but he’s equally compelling in both the dramatic moments and the fight scenes.

(Also, I’m really appreciating the sudden introduction of Force-assisted hand to

Believing that the government should preserve their multimillion dollar beachfront property at tax payer expense, without granting the public an iota of benefit is about the most Republican attitude imaginable.

“Look like a dong, and prosper.”

But that’s not fair! The rich PAY to not have to suffer consequence of their mistakes!

This is Florida, not California. They might have $2m in their couch cushions.

I thought he was really good and I’m generally unfamiliar with his work. He just seemed like a guy with an accent to me. 

The thing I always loved about the Romulans was that it seemed like they had just one state sanctioned haircut. 

Well, it will be imminently underwater domain, so not too far off. Maybe they meant the Feds should accelerate the schedule. 

My mistake. The are fairly widespread along the coast of Tampa Bay itself so I thought they’d also grow on the barrier islands.

And Andor!

I mean if dumb asses like those and ones in southern Florida want to keep voting for Repbulicans who deny global warming, let them eat the hurricanes

Socialize the risk, privatize the benefit. 

Bad Batch is a good remedy to that feeling, hardly any Force stuff going on at all in that series.

The south never saw a lost cause it wouldn’t commit to. 

This is how you know it’s really me; if there isn’t a spelling or grammar mistake, it’s an imposter.  (exept this time)  :D  

Mangroves would help with the erosion and also helps to reduce the effects of storm surge! They’re also fantastic for local wildlife.

Ah, you know the demographic.  It’s Florida after all.  

Typical republicans.  

They would rather have their homes washed away than potentially hurt their oceanfront views, and then when that inevitably happens they’re gonna cry victim and ask for government money to rebuild.

I’m going to also hedge my bets and say these are the same people that attempt to absolutely pay the lowest amount of taxes possible (or skirt them entirely).