Light Emitting Diode

tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-minor

While I’ve enjoyed Kendrick repeatedly beating Drake worse than Homer beat the Krusty Burglar, I’m skeptical it will do any lasting damage to Drake’s career. Kendrick is a rapper’s rapper, whereas Drake is more of a pop star. He (or rather his ghostwriters) write rap that Taylor Swift fans can enjoy.

See, if she had eaten lab grown deer meat, this wouldn’t have happened, but apparently, DeSantis thinks lab grown meat is “woke” and just banned it.

Hey, if you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying it to the person’s face, why say it online? If posting is the only way you feel any sort of power or control, you gotta find a constructive hobby. Me? I build ships in bottles and post like a human virus.

“But from the moment I put it on here, I was like, ‘How did we never do this?’ It looked so right, it felt so right.

Musk didn’t think that because Tesla interns get paid $35/h. I’m actually surprised he just didn’t keep the interns & just cancel their pay. Remember when he decided the Twitter HQ building was just his & he didn’t have to pay rent anymore?

“I will no longer be interning at Tesla this summer,” said one North Carolina State University student

The director said they had the scripts ready to start filming pretty much right away if actors schedules allowed it if it was greenlit for season 2 like 3 weeks ago. You should pay better attention before you get so cynical.

Fallout had a way bigger fanbase going into the show than The Boys ever did. Even amongst comic readers, it was an indie hit, but not hitting Marvel/DC numbers. Fallout is a modern classic AAA .

“ admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war”

Yeah, I wanted it to be good and was ready for a different take but season 1 was shit and I refuse to be someone who “hate” watches any show. Outside of my comment here, I’m not giving this show any of my time.

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation

This feels like one of those things where a show or movie that barely anyone watches “raises a middle finger to its haters” to give the impression that anyone is actually still talking about it. I haven’t heard anything about this show since like the first week it came out.

That’s because the planet in the sequel Aliens is LV-426—so, April 26.”

Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone

We trans people live rent-free in you idiots’ heads

I get that this point is purely about sticking it to trans people, but even if she wasn’t a shitheel this comment would be such peak millenial brainrot. Yes, the baby wizard books lady is the greatest author of our generation because it was the only long book you, personally, have ever bothered to finish.

By “normal people” I think you mean ignorant assholes. And, yes, the world is full of them.

Is it really bullying to say “don’t buy a video game because the billionaire owner of this franchise is not a serious person”?