
You might be right on the 7 day thing. The “conventional wisdom” I heard is for regular smokers it was like 30 days. That said for heavy smokers it could stay in your system longer, and the more body fat you have could lead to it being in your system longer.

I assume the 38k for the wing is because it’s, hopefully, carbon fiber.  And carbon fiber always has a premium.  But otherwise I agreee.

I think they banned them here, I would have to go back and find the actual wording on the amendment, because it was a 3rd parts issuing the tickets, not law enforcement, and at least here we banned them prior to 2019 because of that.

Thankfully I knew about them, and our main street is well lit at night, you could legit drive with no headlights perfectly fine, you should NOT do that, so it wasn’t as shocking as it could have been if the street lights weren’t there.

LOL guess we grow em smarter down here in Texas /s the area around where I live was historically farm and ranch land so a lot of the thick forest was clear out 100+ years ago, now further out in the county deer and hogs are still more of a problem.

That makes sense, that’s the way it was near my moms old subdivision, though most of that is recently gone for more subdivisions.  

Well to be fair you can only make a truck, Hummer, or SUV so aerodynamic.   But also a fast EV, well its easy and boring.  You can make just about any EV a sub 3 second 0 to 60 vehicle.

Pretty much, it’s the primary issue with EV’s he moment. More range means more battery means more weight, which means more battery to still have decent range. I mean if they can vastly up the efficiency of the EV Motors, that might help, but they are already up in the 85% efficiency area, and I think there are things

I 100% would have gotten one of those lol, the right on red without fully stopping, hell I do it almost daily when safe. I might have got that last one depending on what led up to you getting it. Like if I am at an unprotected left with a yellow arrow waiting to turn, I have been in the intersection when it turned red

lol that’s wild.  We don’t really see them in town proper.  But you drive out from where I was coming and it’s still in “town” but there are more forested areas, but this was right across the street from a cemetery and way more into town that I had ever seen one.

Yup, but this is the euro equivalent, I think. they don’t run tractor trailer style big rigs over there like we do in the US.  I mean they have them, but these I think are like the big semi rigs they have over there that don’t have a 5th wheel style connection.

Yup my mom and her hubby had one, not nearly this nice or new, and they didn’t pay a HUGE amount for it. I mean it wasn’t cheap but I think they got their for under 200 and towed his truck behind it. They got it to camp/live, down in Galveston and vacation, thought they didn’t keep it that long. They took it on a trip

Unlikely, it’s a whole weight to distance ratio. Heavier car needs more battery, more battery means more weight.

It’s not really ridiculous, these converted bus style RV’s are fairly regular.

It’s not even rural my mom lived in a subdivision and regularly saw deer. The only time seeing a deer this time of year is an edge case is in the middle of LA or NYC. Hell I almost nailed a huge buck less than 2000 feet from a major highway near a huge grocery store complex and subdivisions.

Yeah they really just don’t work and when most of the money goes to a third party company it doesn’t even help the city. I never got stung by the red light camera, they were in our sister city. Though I think there have been studies that show they can lead to more rear end collisions, since people would slam on the

It’s not just that they would get your data, they will, it’s that they actively weaponize the data they collect. Look the US government spy’s on us, corporations spy on us, the difference is China weaponizes the data it collect’s in ways the US and corporations don’t.

We have one like that for a middle school on a feeder road for the highway, normal speed limit 55mph, 25 during school zone hours. Now I am perfectly fine with school zones, but like it’s on a highway feeder (frontage road for those not in Texas),  like there is never a kid walking to school lol.

Pretty much ALL traffic camera systems are like this where the lions share goes to the camera company. We had red light cameras here for a while, until it cam out the city got such a TINY amount, that and tickets given to people that didn’t in fact run the red light.  I never got stung, but driving through town one

It has nothing to do with the government having zero interest, it’s simply this was the fastest solution to the issue.  You obviously didn’t read the article