Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

My older brother had to explain that line to me back in 1990. I did not believe him. "That doesn't make any sense!!!"

It actually sort of makes sense under current low-light tactics doctrine. Law enforcement and military shooters are generally trained to shoot for center mass, but untrained (and maybe trained?) shooters' eyes are instinctively drawn to bright areas and tend to shoot at those areas. That's why when law enforcement

Totally. And it's only a $20 cab ride if you're too lazy to metro.

My third favorite is Tracy Morgan, although I guess he was playing Lemon's college roommate "Becky."

I really like her, but I will say that I love Tracy Morgan in 98% of the stuff he did on that show. I rewatch episodes pretty frequently and even now notice new bits, sometimes — in one scene, for example, Tracy is nonchalantly pouring grape soda in a bag of potato chips while having an otherwise straightforward

It blew my mind when I found out that Ms. Van Der Hoot and Lutz are married in real life.

I'm pretty sure it's still open, but it's been called WHINSEC for a while. I got the impression that it wasn't exactly the techniques they were teaching that were bad — it was mostly basic counterinsurgency, multi-branch security coordination, etc. — but that they were teaching this stuff to people who were almost

Seriously? I hated flying into Baltimore or Dulles when I lived in the District. Reagan was a straight 30-minute shot home on the metro. Getting home from Baltimore or Dulles was like living The Road.

Wait, which one helped overthrow multiple democratically-elected governments in the 1950s? Oh, it was both of them!

Oof, that reminds me of some legal research I had to do when I was in law school at a DOJ internship. Ended up reading about this case in Nebraska where this charismatic anti-government cult leader tortured and "accidentally" murdered one of his followers. Also gruesome stuff, fairly warned. I think you can look up

Well, the Bush admin's definition of torture was something like "likely to cause organ failure or death." Just about any fucked up technique you can think of fits under that big tent.

Part of the problem with the stuff that DOJ okayed for interrogation techniques was the overbroad definition of torture, which, if I remember correctly, was limited to techniques that were likely to cause organ failure or death. This, of course, ignored tons of international legal writing and domestic scholarship

It's so…

Have you read America's Great Game? I'm only about a third of the way through, but it has some fascinating backstory about Kim (Kermit Jr.) and Archie, building up towards Operation Ajax.

Or Charlotte Lewis from The Golden Child.

She stuck around even after I loudly said to her "Hasn't everyone had gay thoughts about Joel McHale?" I must be doing something right.

I frequently deserve to be cool-storied. This is one of those times.

What's a Go On?

We took your show to a farm in the country where it can play with all the other shows. No, you can't visit. Because… your emotions.

Caveat: LTC Balls is a little drunk right now.