Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

So Mrs. Balls and I went out to dinner tonight and were talking about Community. And I'm sort of drunk now. I threw out a couple of Deanisms at dinner and realized we'd (probably) never hear another one again, and I felt sad. Community is dead; long live Community.

Oof, yeah, with the poorly-green-screened Falcon in the background. Terrible.

You are correct, sir. Were there no hot Indian actresses in 1984? Although I guess a hot Chinese actress would have made more sense, considering where the initial scenes were supposed to be.

I can actually get behind that reasoning for liking Ep. II. People always look at me like I have a dick growing out of my forehead when I tell them that Temple of Doom is my favorite Indiana Jones movie. I like that one for some of the same reasons you give for liking Ep. II — it was this fantastical,

…and join a predominantly white militia at the urging of a charismatic martyr.

I really don't mind Ep. III (without the heavy expectations for the movies, it would be an okay movie on its own) or Ep. II (which I find passable even though it seems to be the most universally reviled). I can barely sit through Ep. I, though.

Nailed it!

Nineteen, from a rural area, no girlfriend, parent issues, immediately obsessed with a religion he's known about for less than a week.

I'm reading a pretty good book about Kermit and Archie right now. It's kind of interesting to see the ideological differences between the Hyde Park and Oyster Bay Roosevelts and how those played out in the lives of the family members.

Ugh, I know. It's painful to watch Ford read his lines in that movie. And I never knew that about Fisher — I always thought she looked, um, fine in that movie.

"Hamana blamana!"

I've felt for awhile that RoTJ could use a reboot, also. The second Death Star plot and most of what it brought with it seems pretty unoriginal in retrospect. They also could have done a lot more with the Leia-as-future-Jedi subplot, which would have only served to enhance the already-good scenes with Luke, Vader, and

That gives me an idea for a Lost concept episode that will never happen. =(

We'll see how they fare in the Outlands.

Call him… David.

Somehow, I always knew it would end like this.


YEAH!!!???! GET HIM??!!!!?

Guys, we just need to bear down and get through this.

Bollywood concept episode?