Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Way to piss in my motherfucking Cheerios, NBC. Community is dead; long live Community.

Yeah, what you're saying should be a springboard for a conversation. On the other hand, I came out of the theater with my then-girlfriend and another couple after watching 300 and some random dude on the elevator told us it was literally the worst movie he had ever seen. I mean, it wasn't going to win any awards

I can't help but hear this in the voice of the Cola Kid from the tattoo episode.

Right, I get that. I can usually separate the two. But I can see why someone would get hurt if you call something they really like a shit sandwich with no further explanation.

That is, hands down, the main thing I don't like about this website. I don't think it's that hard to differentiate between subjective tastes and objective criticism, and conflating the two and using that as an opportunity to put someone down is just mean-spirited. I don't like the Big Bang Theory, but have no problem

My wife and I try to buy pasture-raised beef, lamb, and pork from a farm near my parents' house when we go and visit. It's not even that much more expensive than factory-farm stuff, it's just out of the way. You'd be surprised how prevalent that stuff is getting.

Hell, my wife still doesn't get most of my references. It doesn't help that I've got a pretty encyclopedic memory of the stupid shit I've watched over the years.

I get that. I found it funny but my wife hates it. But I couldn't bring myself to quote any of that shit. Maybe if I was 15 years younger.

I just graduated law school last year and know the feeling. Could barely read for fun during that time (except the NYT online, etc., during class). I, too, have been unemployed for a few months and am forcing myself to get back into reading, but it's a slog sometimes. All that painful muscle memory from reading dense

Yeah, I actually kind of look down on people in the Seattle metro area who don't have a good emergency kit/plan. We live on a huge subduction plate and that thing is not going to be peaceful forever. Me jokingly referring to it as my ZA starter kit is just a feeble attempt at humorous deflection because I don't want

Wasn't that one of the Saw sequels?

I'm pretty sure this isn't exactly what you're talking about, but when my wife and I were on one of our first dates we traded a couple Family Guy quotes, which I found impressive. She admitted that she's not a big fan of animated TV, but that she understood the practical necessity of being fluent in that show, the

Okay, I think I have two, which I'm slightly ashamed of because I generally think of myself as open-minded about this sort of stuff. Liking certain aspects of pop culture can be deeply personal, so telling someone they're a shitty person for liking X is just a bad way to approach relationships. However, I've noticed a

Yeah, I never really got all the hate for Eggtown, either.

Yeah, I can see that. I think it would've been fun for the writers to go down that rabbit hole a bit more and show more clearly the forces that were competing for control of the island. As it is, it makes it seem like the writers wanted these guys to be Shadowy and Vague but actually didn't know what was under the

I agree about a lot of these, but I thought:

I loved S4, but S5 was actually my least favorite. Looking back at the episode list, there isn't one I can say I disliked, but the season as a whole didn't quite click with me. Although, I was getting my heart torn out by my then-girlfriend of 7 years, Bart-in-the-treehouse-style, during that season, so that may have

You do not get to call Bai Ling the worst!

Interesting, I never considered it from that perspective.

Yeah, I guess that's true. I just didn't have quite as negative a reaction. As for the S6 stuff with Sayid, I was fine with it, I just wish there had been a little bit more explanation about whatever dark sickness came over him — that would've been some interesting island mythology to uncover. Leaving it unexplained