Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

It works every time.

It didn't piss me off, and I thought the scene was well-done. And I thought showing that main characters could, indeed, be killed was important to the narrative arc and emotional weight of the last few episodes. But I do remember being really irked that Jin (Sun was pinned under some equipment) wouldn't escape to

Yeah, I liked S6 just fine, even if I feel like the rewatchability rating is low except for the reasons you described. One thing that always irked me, though, is the deal with Jack's son in the alternate universe. I would've liked some nod to say, "Hey, this is the kid Kate had with you after you died! Now you get to

So true. One of my most proud Lost-prediction vindications was repeatedly telling my friends how important I thought the undercover cop arc in Further Instructions was for Locke's character — that he was basically this manipulable, sad guy, and that that would end up being super important to the character's

But Jacob's brother would have remained as a threat, and may have eventually succeeded in his plan to destroy the island. And the conceit I got from Jack's story arc through the entire series was that he was perfectly suited to step in for this crisis and then hand the reins over to the proper long-term protector,

I found the characters grating, but I like the episode, too. I could totally see Hurley being into a TNT-style spy-boobs schlock show.

I think I remember that — but I think it was couched more in terms of, "if you can't find the right rule, don't waste time searching because the game will lag. Just give a common sense modifier and move on."

I think she's wearing it on a chain.

And the yogurt is also cursed.

Yeah, I guess it's mostly that it seemed hard to learn when I was 12 or 13, when I first learned the rules. I admit that I like THAC0 mostly out of preadolescent nostalgia, not because it's more intuitive or easier to use.

That can be arranged.


For some reason, I absolutely love the throwaway scene at the beginning where Jeff and Troy are grooving to Auto-tune God of Farts.

Well, it was sort of a point of pride or rite of passage in my playing group when you finally understood THAC0, so there was some latent social pressure to know those rules cold. Which is also one of the reasons I never really liked the later editions after WOTC bought out TSR or whatever. Learning THAC0 was a litmus

Admitting that requires a level of self-confidence in one's nerdery that's hard to muster near the beginning of a relationship. But I know what you mean. I was pretty popular in high school but I hid my dirty, dirty D&D secret like I was a Czech Partisan and revealing my identity as a Paladin of Torm would result in


Oh, goddammit, you're right. Am I going to have to commit seppuku again already?

What is it with twos and apples??

My wife loved Intro to Poli Sci, which I never totally understood. It had some good bits, but I found Asian Annie too grating to enjoy the episode fully.

I think I must be one of the only people who didn't love the AD&D episode (totally agree about Paradigms, though). I thought it was good, but it isn't one of my favorites. I was a huge tabletop RPG nerd growing up, so maybe I was put off that Fat Neil was putting up with such a shittily-run adventure.