Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I've been catching up Mrs. B on Community over the past couple of months, and it kind of made me realize how hard it is to get someone to understand the series just by showing them a bunch of representative episodes like the ones in this list. She'd seen the occasional episode before, and I showed her Regional Holiday

One of my favorite lines in that episode is when the US Army Special Operations guys show up and ask the Dean, "Are you the only survivor?" and the Dean proudly replies, "I am."

That was one of the episodes I used to re-introduce Mrs. B to Community, and it's one of our favorites. It helps that we were once both big L&O nerds.

He's just trying to fat dog it until next season starts.

You do not get to call Britta the worst!

Bob Johnson

Totally. One of the best things about that game was its replayability, and with expanded memory/updates for newer consoles you could pack even more in there. Playing back through as a different class, with a different weapons scheme, different gender/appearance/morality — that's what made the game a classic.

I have fond memories of playing X-Wing on the PC in the mid-90s. I remember thinking it was especially cool that if you pulled off really outlandish stuff you could get medals/ribbons that you could see on your uniform in between missions. Would be awesome to have a similar dedicated simulator game for console.

More like an old-timey water pump.

"…so dour that not even chocolate (delicious, delicious chocolate) could twist his handsome face into anything happier than a stoic grimace."

No one knows who they were, or what… they were doing…

Pull over!

In Mrs. B's and my household, that is called the Joel McHale factor.

Probably true. I'd put myself at a 0-1 on the Kinsey scale, but boy do I think it might be just fine to squeeze Joel McHale's pecs Dean Pelton-style when I see him on TV. I think he's the only person that Mrs. B and I both have a crush on.

Calm down, doll, you're hysterical! They're saying they wish she would eat more! That makes it okay! Is your father or a policeman who can help you nearby?

Eh, the OF COCK meme never really made me stand at attention.

And I thought I smelled bad… on the outside!

Yeah, I am genuinely worried that bringing back the original cast will just be a sad, sad parade of sadness.

Shit, I made a Lando joke AND a Colt 45 joke upthread.

No Billy Dee Williams?