Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

*Looks around for Billy Dee*

The last week has been pretty shitty for me and this made me laugh for an unreasonably long time. Thanks for that.

Out in the dinosaur world, then back in the lab for some full penetration. World, penetration, world, penetration, world, full penetration. And so on like that for 90 minutes until the movie just sort of ends.


Yes, I should have ended it with /cool story bro.

I saw wolf urine mentioned elsewhere in the comments and I thought it must be some pop culture reference I didn't get.


UNIVERSAL EXEC: Ok, guys, we've missed the boat with the zombie apocalypse thing. Let's brainstorm.

My all-time favorite Mitchell line:

It looks like a frat house lawn the morning after Halloween.

And so it was written.


Ancient Chinese secret, huh?

Dillon, you sunhuffabich!

But if it is the Deep Impact timeline, it's canon, Curmudgahid.

Yeah, that's what I didn't like about it, too. This was probably a C+ for me. A few good laughs (especially the tag at the end), but a little rote and predictable (by Community standards).

Better than the shadow of her air force, I guess.

You make a good point.

I thought, "85 minutes? That's kind of long for an episode of a Hulu original-content series."

I'm a 34 year-old man and I can still get pulled into this clickbait when my reptilian brain registers bewwwwwwbs.