Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

One of my wife's cousins trained at the Culinary Institute and every. single. time. they use the acronym, I have to shake off my confusion once more.

I read it right after I graduated high school and remember it seeming interminable and frequently crushing. But I still loved it.

There is always some comfort in knowing that we all share the same pain.

My high school English teacher pretty much forced me to read One Hundred Years of Solitude during the summer before I started college. It's a novel I probably never would've been open to reading otherwise, and I'm so glad she suggested it as it had a pretty profound impact on me at the time. Aureliano Buendia's

Isn't the .35 a rifle? Oh, it's a joke. I'll see myself out.

"Sorry, guys, we're passing on God Cop. But, now, hear me out: what about… Shrink Cop?"

Where were you in Iraq? I was in Mosul and Tal Afar in 2005.


LEIA: You're high!

You shut your dirty, handsome mouth, Mr. Ford.

Holy shit, I think you've just unraveled some sort of enigma code about Garden State.

The A.V. Club

I like to top off my beer drinkin' with another beer. Kind of like dessert.

C'mon, guys, let's listen to Susan's presentation and break into small groups and discuss this.

Late to the party. Just watched the episode.

That's really interesting — I found the end a little jarring and cutesy, but I think that's a great observation. If they'd underlined it more, it would have come off even worse, I think, so the more I think about it, it's kind of a great ending.

My best friend from college is a community college math professor. Makes good money, has tenure at age 34, and gets to surf at least three days a week. He absolutely loves it. But it does sound like it's a lot of work when he's in the shit and has lots of classes, exams, and homework to deal with. His schedule also

Please, don't apologize. I like hearing these stories — and it sounds like our grandfathers' lives may have overlapped a bit.

Winston knows his shit.

I'm a little jealous. My grandfather on my dad's side was in the Army Air Corps (a radio guy on a B-24) and had no problem telling stories. He also lived right up the hill from us so I'd gladly tromp up to his house and listen to him talk about the war.