
I like that the industry is looking for new talent, but I really think they’d be better off developing that talent. Instead of dropping them into a big budget blockbuster, ramp up the scale of the project gradually.

Who’s even to say that the script wasn’t the actual reason he was booted from directing it.

TFA has a singular purpose which was to remove the stain of the prequel trilogy by having the viewer feel like they were watching ANH all over again. Figuring that SW, like the Marvel movies, are studio run films, JJ is fine.

From everything I read, it was bad on a level that leaves no redeeming values.

I definitely don’t want to see JJ back at the helm. I felt TFA was a mediocre film that suffers on viewing it again. Many of the films flaws are seem rooted in Abrams handling of the films tempo and scale as well as many deus ex machines moments that become more glaring flaws as the film is revisited. The reason I

Yeah, I can only imagine how horrible The Book of Henry must have been if Jurassic World was a much better movie. There was almost nothing about Jurassic World that didn’t suck, aside from the marketing.

I bet they totally trash Trevorrow’s script, if they haven’t already.

Yeah Colin Treverrow is not very good. Safety Not Guaranteed was the exception. Even in interviews, the way he talks about storytelling suggests that there’s things he just doesn’t get. I didn’t trust him to stick the landing on this and I’m sure whoever they replace him with will be a better fit.

By all accounts it seems Ep VIII was smooth and Rian Johnson seems to get along with Lucasfilm

Thank the Maker!

OK so is there gonna be ANY Star Wars film that doesn’t have weird behind-the-scenes stuff? Not that many people are exactly gonna be bummed that Trevorrow is gone

how? half the kotaku stories are a synopsis of a reddit thread and the other half are redundant statements of what Tweets said then posting those tweets inline. how exactly do I avoid it? also, can I get a job posting quotes of tweets then posting inline tweets or summarizing reddit threads? I could do it in my sleep.

Beats the fuck out of the kinja echo chamber.

Reddit is the same as the rest of the internet: if you avoid the ugly parts, it can be a great source of knowledge and entertainment.

Been using Reddit for years, but haven’t really been exposed to anything toxic. I guess sticking to threads about animal gifs and Star Trek has insulated me. But do I wish I’d used all those hours to learn woodworking or something - Yes.

That’s as interesting as the time the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.

Every site with a community demonstrates some level of hive-mind mentality after enough time, exacerbated if they have some sort of upvote (or star, cough cough) system so people can see “oh this comment is highly-rated, I agree with it” or for people just to upvote/downvote opinions they like/dislike.

Nice to see a GM article on reddit that doesn’t involve the immediate assumption by author and comments that redditors are the blood rivals of this site. A couple comments.

Suggestion: unsubscribe from all the default subs and build it up from scratch.