
Steve Jobs’ named makes a better headline. Not everyone knows her name.

Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, most people wouldn’t have known who the fuck she was if they had stated her name. Even as a person in tech myself, I wouldn’t have known who she was.

It’s connecting a huge tech company to a huge media company. He even draws the comparison to Amazon acquiring The Washington Post. The point is that tech companies are getting into the content creation game. I thought this was obvious, while knowing who Laurene Powell Jobs is wasn’t as obvious.

I’m a smidge over 5'4". My wedding is coming up soon and all of my groomsmen are 6ft+. One is 6'5". My wedding photos are going to be hilarious. I imagine it will look something similar Tyrion hanging out with his family.

Not sure how you can argue MLB and Overwatch are similar enough to cause confusion. I mean Overwatch players are in far better physical condition.

I’m not familiar with the term either, nor with why it would be racist. I guess the use of the word boy can be thought of as insulting, but i think he’s called pretty much everyone he fought a little kid or a boy?

I actually had to Google ‘Dance for me, boy’ to know what it meant and its ties to racism. I hadn’t ever heard the phrase until this incident. This guy is still probably a racist and a douche, but is it possible he had just heard it before and, not knowing the context, used it like an idiot?

Genuinely curious not trying to get a rise- how are whites taught these things in Kindergarten?

You don’t need to hope that Mayweather will win. McGregor doesn’t belong in the same boxing ring, and Mayweather will wreck his shit. This is known.

“This structure, which will be used to harness tidal power, will need to operate for 120 years in order for the construction costs to be recouped.”

It will only take courage to adjust to whatever Apple deems to be the best for you!

I agree. I tried using the GS8, with the fingerprint scanner irritatingly hard to reach I tried the face and iris unlock methods and found them terrible. Returned the phone and went back to the iPhone 7 Plus. TouchID > every other unlock method.

But the flat glass front and almost no bezels!

Counterpoint: this looks great and you’re wrong.

If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

Now THAT is listening to your customers!

Nope, I mock Caitlynn too.

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.