
To be honest I’m not really sure what Delta did wrong. I do think in the name of good customer service they should respond, but the guy called the cops not the flight attendants.


Definitely a bad angle to take on this. You wanna talk about a lack of diversity in Hollywood there’s plenty of legitimate arguments, “I don’t think Ryan Reynolds deserve his success” is not one of them.

What about The Rock? Isn’t he becoming one of the most bankable dudes in Hollywood, having moved up from sidekick roles and shitty comedies like Tooth Fairy, etc?

Alternate take: How about we not shit on Reynolds’s success? I quickly run out of fucks when you tear someone down to build someone else up.

does that mean homeless white people are twice as lazy and black homeless people?

Arrival deserved to win Oscars.

Wow. Just. Wow. Have you heard yourself?

Would you be quiet, I’m busy sacrificing a goat to Zeus!

Well, that’s an odd logical jump from “pay for quality work” to COMPANY TOWNS!

Half Life 3 episodes 1 and 2 and 3 confirmed.

So, you’re saying it’s ok to fire someone based on their political beliefs?

Yeah, should have sent them to some kids in Africa.

So your brother is a scruffy Nerf hurter?

Reminds me of the last fight I got in. This guy at a bar was looking at me. So I said, “What the fuck you looking at asshole?” He looks at me and says, “Nothing.” I stood up. “Damn right, you better not be.” This guy had no business fucking with a guy like me, so I said, “ You have no business fucking with a guy like

No. Not even close.

Incorrect. Avatar is leagues ahead of Korra. But then, these are subjective judgments, aren’t they? You like what you like. And don’t like what you don’t like.


It is, God it is. It SO much is.