
Loved this movie.

Wait, RoboRace is real? I’ve been following them on Instagram for like a year now. Thought they were just art project.

What in tarnations is happening here...

My girlfriend and I had heart shaped pizza because pizza is a large part of our relationship. It was a misshapen, blob of a pizza and it was an amazing night.

Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Half-Life 3.

Trudeau is electable and likeable. He was a safe alternative to Harper which is why he was elected. He’s not a smart leader, but he’s a smart celebrity, if that makes sense. Most of the heat he would have gotten from people has been taken by Kathleen Wynn who is disliked by a lot of people on all sides.

He looks like redneck David Mitchell.

I feel bad for liking the logo.

Hot heck, this is tasty stuff. Guy’s got a ridiculous eye.

10/10. That was art.

My brother has decided he wants to hurt me. So, he’s taken up modding his nerf guns. They leave welts. Thanks for the article, but I already have an exhaustive knowledge of nerf darts.


Yep. They have to kill the accent.

Please no Woody. He’s cool, but he’s not Star Wars. He’s too defined by himself, yknow? Like I could never look at his character and not think “Look, it’s Woody.”

His death was the most impactful of them all to me...I think because it was just so sudden. It was build up. Just dead. It hurt me.

Thank you.

Well, I respectfully disagree. And I think the fact that we can even have this disagreement is exciting. Having multiple SFX houses so capable of such awesome, high-fidelity work bodes well for the future!

Go check out the Apes movies. Leagues better in terms of animation and rendering quality. Now obviously there are different challenges artistically just because our brains are gonna have an easier time detecting flaws in humans, but they’re technically more complicated. Heck, check out The Hobbit, too. As much as I

Yeah, this is fine. Also a really good idea.

Really? I found it the otherway around. Tarkin: a liiittle video gamey. Leia: genuinely broke my mind. Found her really good. Weta still wins when it comes to CGI characters, though. ILM can’t touch them.