
Cheap subs. Because the guy with 50m youtube subscribers needs cheap subs. Subs mean next to nothing, especially once you have 50m of them. Views, however, mean a lot, and to get views, you need to get the algorithm on your side.

“Successful businessman tries to get smart people to help country’s leadership.” This is a bad thing now, apparently.

Ash Thorp is the man. So excited to see where he’s going with this.

Movie looks like a lovely throwback, but man...the beast looks really bad. Really, really bad. Like the design is bad, the CG is bad, everything about the beast just makes me unhappy. Except for his voice which is perfect.

Wait, what if he’s a scriptwriter?

Genuinely one of my favourite movies! Super underrated. Great story, GREAT SFX!

Love Smarter Every Day! Destin is a machine! #DestinForSpace

This looks way better than I thought it would! Wow!

Thank you for this.

I’m starting to get excited about the Apple Watch. It’s still too expensive, but with the Airpods, it’s just become way more useful.

They aren’t useless, though, and with the Airpods they just got way more useful. Now, I am certainly not suggesting that anyone should go out any buy them (the watch or the Airpods). They’re both still too expensive. But, they have a use and really do compliment eachother.

Well, I’ve been saying since the Apple Watch that they need a wireless earpiece and this is pretty elegant solution, all things considered. At the moment it’s not worth the cost of losing the headphone jack, but we’ll see in a few years. Apple’s biggest plus is its infrastructure and once it’s established with this

I totally agree this is an issue, but what I was reading about Airpods partially solves the wireless headphone battery life issue. Their case charges them another 3 hours in 15 minutes, so their battery life is effectively 24 hours.

Nation was SO good! Really really special. Thanks for reminding me about it.

There’s a place I know in Ontario, where the sea lions kiss, or so the story goes...

Is that car in the first ad...CGI? At least that wide shot and that charging shot? And did they like...add the guy onto his porch in post? What is happening here...

Instagram filters: how to make your picture like artsy.

I use IG, too. Just for completely different things. Like, their stories thing is useless to me because I follow 350 people, but it’s great at what it was originally built for.

So you don’t believe that average people using Instagram don’t try their best to look better than other average people? You are a wonderfully optimistic peron who doesn’t use Instagram much.

Snapchat has moved past sexting. There’s a hierarchy in photography applications that you need to understand.