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My guess is the ink itself. Extra metallic shine on the bits that want it.

First the gorilla, now this. How do some people get their parenting license?

This makes me so happy. This movie, although it is unquestionably bad, is one of my favourites of all time. I am very happy right now.


Currently eating corn nuts...

I think it looked fun. Exciting and new. People want new stuff and get mad when it’s new.


Cable is Deadpool 2, son.

Haha, two years later... I appreciate the time to write a response :)

So what’s it like to live life without joy?

Okay, but with the quality of modern steel we have now, it’s all for decoration anyway. The Damascus and Wootz process was just a way of taking inconsistent steel consistent. There’s a whole lot of glorification about this “ancient and secret process”, but in reality it was just a way of making a bunch of different,

Hey! Good article, but future reference, can we keep spoilers out of the headlines? I make an effort to avoid reading spoiler and most things are really clearly tagged Spoiler, but I can’t avoid them if they’re in a headline. Thanks.

How would they make this? Like you mould it, but how do you actually make a master that accurate? What’s the process?

Gotcha. And girl washing. Is the Baron Mondo thing cool, though?

Sorry, I don’t know the Dr. Strange story. Who’s getting white washed?

I don’t get the hate for Wolverine Deadpool. He was essentially a cameo fight setting up for the next movie. Like no one actually thought they were going to leave him like that, did they? There’s even a scene showing him waking up with his mouth cut open.

Haha, yep. Came here to post this as well. Destin is the man.

I think I’m okay with new Apple.

The sniper rifle was ridiculous in UT1999. Like, if you had it you didn’t even need to scope in. Part of what made that game great was that everything was so crazy lethal.