
I got literally 1,000 kills on this map one Saturday morning. I loved UT 1999...

This looks great.

300 is one of the greatest movies of all time and I agree that this movie needs to be made.

I don’t understand! I genuinely, GENUINELY, loved Wolverine: Origins! Like, come on. The opening credits scene? The timeline of war they went through? So good.

Don’t they say that every update?

He makes up for it all with 300. The greatest movie ever made.

You see, I love their music. The videos are clever because it let’s people who don’t enjoy their music enjoy their creativity :) Different strokes for different folks!

The paint was very much real. Biggest clue? It stays. Fluid dynamics are so incredibly difficult to get right, and then have it all stick to the right objects for the duration of the video, as real, non-CGI elements move around? Not happening.

Love these guys, love their music, and love their creativity. Keep it up!

Hahaha, supporting Facebook. Everyone who works at, visits, or has ever read a Gawker article could die and Facebook wouldn’t blink. Sorry, but there’s nothing we can do to support or not support Facebook.

This is really sad...every E3 I lived there! Wow.

Chunt, please!

1) He made money on this, he gets money from YouTube.

One of these is the healthier option, but you can lose weight on bacon and pasta and you can gain it on salad and fruit.

No, it is as easy as eat less and move more. It really is. Maybe you need to eat even less and move even more, but it will work. The people who say it doesn’t work are either lazy, mistaken, liars, or victims of a SPECIFIC (not nebulous blaming of metabolism) illness.

Or eat exclusively twinkies and big macs and make sure it’s a net loss of calories.

Snap, those hoards of brainwashing knife makers. Do you have a failed knife making business or something?

That’s...not true? There are plenty of knife makers who make beautiful, useful, high quality knives out of reused tool steel who certainly care about heat treatment. Stop making this a negative thing. Did a knife maker hurt you or something?

Flat grinds are the easiest and most useful for non-specific tasks, as for the blade shape, I’d imagine it’s mostly that small squat knives look cool.

Ever made a knife? Yeah, if you’re making a world class chef knife you should pick some high quality steel, but if you just want to make a perfectly serviceable knife that will suit 90% of everyone’s needs, files and stuff will do.