
Another benefit, better aiming for your fender missiles.

We don’t have accents, what are you on aboot.

Fair, yeah. A divided house and all.

It’s a tradition! Getting ready to go out and shovel as we speak, haha! I’ve never felt so close with my southern (although I think in this case, due west) neighbours before!

The deal with Justin is that he was just a tool to get rid of Harper/get the Liberals into office. He’s really a useless person, but a useful figurehead.

Wow, I didn’t even think of that. That’s really cool, actually.

We’re focusing on proper snowplow legislation at the moment. That’s the real kicker.

Couple of questions.


I love Canada, I really do. It’s a beautiful country filled with wonderful people. I even enjoy the cold.

Batman D. Superman

It’s gotta be the same demographic. Where else can you get ammunition and kale so conveniently?

Give me an electronic car that has Tesla level infrastructure, range, and design that has continual updates leading toward autonomy that doesn’t require me to buy a whole new car to get the new feature.

Wow, that’s incredible...this is art.

He likes to always be in the news. And it works. Like, he’s got some highly specialized companies that genuinely on paper shouldn’t have been successful. A new electronic car company and a space company. Like...pick the two fields people would say are impossible to succeed in (especially with limited funds) and those

My issue is that the director is trash. Low expectations but I am open to being pleasantly surprised!

Fisker is a massive dong.

I didn’t think I had to sit down with this fellow and explain the technological benefits and betterments of the device. I was talking about the value of technological advancements in general. Two different topics.

Actually, I think the comparison to the shining is one of the most obvious homages. It’s literally the same carpet. Go watch the clip again. Super cool!

No? The article is about the advancement. I didn’t think I needed to read the article for you. We have a commercially available wireless charging station. Is it perfect? Far from it. But it’s better. There has been an ADVANCEMENT of technology.