liberal media bias

The female Ghostbusters?

Aren't they all?

If only I was allowed more than one upvote per comment…

I prefer the term "squirter."

"This would be better if it was Jimmy jokes about your momma that you might not like."
- Snoop Doggy Dogg

That does sound awesome. I would totally watch it!

"We're stuck with dating dudes like Eugene Mirman." Or reading how to date Natalie Dormer.

I can't shake the feeling that Milton is a Fiverr contractor who will soon be facing legal troubles…

Rhode Island Slut is journalism I can really get behind.

Oh, its one of those fantasy movies. The way they're marketing it, I thought it was a documentary. Thanks, Marky Mark!

How is Will Ferrell possibly supposed to compete for the affections of children with a guy who could have stopped 9/11 from happening all by himself? That just doesn't seem fair.

Let's break out that "Mission Accomplished" banner. Then we just need Dikachu to parachute in…

ESPN's Grantland has a feature about superhero shows. Gotham isn't mentioned once. (Unless they've edited it since this morning…)

"people Rand would have derided as incompetents, people who are terrible at their jobs, who have contributed something to the world that is embarrassing and amateurish, stupid and shrill."


…from the dead?

Wait, this sounds familiar… So are you saying that those "Real Housewife" shows did not have to be an hour long?? Man, I feel bamboozled.

Well, I'm all about "extreme devotion to craft" - that, and the bass (the fish) - if you know what I mean.

I thought you were going to take it in a completely different direction when you mentioned the "slight tension/awkwardness."
*tries washing brain clean of the image, decides to just go with it*
I'll be in my bunk…