liberal media bias

Meh, came off a little subdued.

"I'd totally watch 'Vaguely Off-Colored Stripper Children.' Anyone know when it's on?"
- Jared from Subway

Further crossover-ed with the next Republican debate, sponsored by guns and the Trump Tower.

Not the guy who penned the screenplay for Ass

Well, it is Dr. Dre's best album.

I heard he's still big into sandwiches.

You've apparently never had to spend 3 hours antiquing with Kate Beckinsale…

Is "omagic" a thing?

Do you still get into sandwiches in a big way?

Eh, it's less mind-boggling when you realize the unfortunate profit margins those movies deliver to the studios that produce them.


They still will stumble across an occasional nut.

Wait, that's bad??

A place to go so you can use the internet.

Wasn't that the premise of Ass (the movie)?

It's no mystery if you've ever seen Polish registered nurses. Rawr!

Uh, isn't that every day??

Shhhhh! Don't give away our secrets!!

I prefer to call them Freedom Shepherds. (Thanks for nothing, Germany.)

Detroit just needs a hastily made tourism video!