liberal media bias

Next thing you know, Obama's going to want all Americans to have health care…

Wait…are you Wayne Coyne?

Other than NAFTA, I have no qualms at all about what President Clinton did - from a political perspective - while in office. As a whole, I'm a fan of his presidency. With regards to his personal conduct while in office… I don't care. Judging others is not my lot in life. (And I'm of the opinion that Jesus of Nazareth

So you probably think Hilary Clinton gave a speech at Hooters too, huh? You must be really intelligent. Although, social scientists believe that humor - both in the ability to convey and comprehend it - is an evolutionary feature allowing humans to express intelligence, so maybe not so much? Or perhaps your absurd

Reluctantly upvoted. (Upvoted for truth, reluctantly because it's sad.)

Smooth operator, that one.

"Did somebody say 'whore hopping?'"
- Bill Clinton *waiting for Hilary to finish her speech at Hooters*

"Is that show with the big hooters?"
- Bill Clinton *waiting for Hilary to finish her speech on improving female wages*

CBS can go screw themselves. I'll protect myself as I see fit. *orders 5 security bears, 3 sharks, and a kitten*

Apologies in advance if anyone's already mentioned it, but Leisure Suit Larry is my choice.

I'm not usually partial to pop music, but I do dig that particular tune.

I'm assuming he's weighed on the matter, but perhaps that's a tad presumptuous of me…

Yes, but what does Yahoo Serious think of this?

Actually, you should hunt him down and finish the job.

Well, at least it would clear up the myxomatosis.

Shouldn't those bumper stickers NOT be in English??

"low expectations never hurt anybody" is how I start my profile!

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

Maybe they can be on that NBC show with the guys in Maroon 5.

She can fix my plumbing any day. (Actually, sooner would be better than later because the kitchen looks like the goddamn Indian Ocean right now.)