That’s . . . not how that works.
That’s . . . not how that works.
I’d say that there are different kinds of mental illness, and that the primary symptom of schizophrenia is psychosis, which often represents a complete break with reality. Not understanding that and arguing that a person experiencing psychosis is instead in full control of their mental faculties and should be punished…
I need to move. Now. #wherehaveyoubeenallmylife
<3 Marry me. For realz. #visa
Please add “Baby is okay” to the beginning of your message because HOLY SHIT I was worried about you guys til the end.
You are my biggest girl-crush.
I am Korean. I am also a TERRRRRRRIBLE cook and also kind of stuck at work :(
So. Much. This.
I’m sorry, but what percentage of churches are like yours? Maybe 10%? Because I spent a fucking YEAR going to every church in a seventy mile radius of here so that my stupid ex could have me to go church with him. This is a pretty liberal area btw, and I couldn’t find a single one that was not all…
Someone post an inception .gif right now please because holy shit
God now I want kimchi pancakes and I live in a whitewashed suburb thanks a LOT
This is so. Freaking. Funny. This graphic wins.
Yeah, no. Tell those people to call me so I can kick the crap out of them. Chinese may have difficult pronunciation and whatnot, but I remember spending a literal month asking my Mandarin teacher, “okay, how do you conjugate for X tense” and her saying, “really, you don’t conjugate the verb, STOP ASKING.”
I sometimes tease my mom about her accent, but if some random stranger came up and starting giving her shit, Jesus H. Christ the hell I would visit down upon their heads. Are you bilingual and accentless? No? STFU.
Seconded. The last part of my shadowing was in a nursing home, and I look vaguely ethnic. I have never heard so many incredibly racist things in my life, and many of them were from patients with dementia.
How has nobody posted this yet:…
That makes sense, since the Spanish to Portuguese mutual intelligibility rating is upwards of 90% depending on the dialects used, while Spanish to English usually gets rated in like the 60 to 70% range (or low as fifties depending on dialects and rater).
You’ll notice that those two languages are actually the two that have most business exposure. They’re not actually harder to learn than other languages (each language is hard in a different way), but because people have had to learn English in school for years, and struggled with it (and many of them have to learn…