
Everything I hear about this movie makes me more and more convinced that Garland’s pitch was a bunch of storyboards showing fighting in the backdrop of recognizable US lanarks and how arresting it would be to see. “That sounds cool, but this also sounds expensive and like the kind of thing that is going to offend half

Then the message itself is the problem. You can’t have a WWII movie set in Poland and not explain which side invaded the other side. That would be pro-Nazi propaganda.


I was on the fence. I am no longer on the fence. Not watching.

He’d start off trying to invent self-driving Jell-O and end up buying InfoWars for 80 billion dollars...

Although we had an excellent example of that already with the town (Grafton, NH) that they took over and eventually had to surrender to bears.

There’s a bit of “both sides” business in the comments that I want to address.

I can go with trying not to pick a side.

“If your only solution to a problem is regex, you now have two problems.” -ancient Developer wisdom

I believe you mean ‘ regetwitter’.

Welp there goes the objectivity of the piece that Garland’s been claiming if he thanked those two 

I can go with trying not to pick a side. As much I want films to say something definitive, not picking a side and showing that the result of intractableness is violence is saying something. But to not have a reasonable rationale explored in the film is the cowardly act.
The speculative fiction would be on a 200 mile

Helen Lewis also gets a thanks in the credit which is not great, either. Really makes me want to smack Garland upside the head with a milkshake that he’s thinking either was a great decision to include when you look at what they’ve done for right-wing and TERF movements at large.

I was going to ask WTF is Andy Ngo, but I guess I can look that up myself.

You call this approach objective; I call it cowardly.

I’m not seeing a movie that thanks Andy Ngo in the credits. Fuck anyone & everyone who associate themselves with that fucking piece of shit.

His supporters still manage to have the cognitive dissonance to accept that he is a free speech absolutist who allows free speech on his free speech site, but also that any time he does censorship “it’s his website! He bought it! He can do what he wants!”

It’s kind of amazing though really. It’s like a small scale, low impact, real time experiment showing what would happen if we let Randian/Libertarian ideologies run rampant.

An elementary school student learning search and replace wouldn’t do something so amateurish.

Dude could fuck up Jell-O.