
I love Garner. I am ambivalent about the Surfer. I am also not sure they really need to be dragging yet MORE fucking Marvel nonsense into this attempted reboot of a reboot of a title. FFS, can we just get an establishment movie made and not synergy blast all over the fucking thing?

RIP Bucky Barnes in the category of best Marvel hair. You had a good run, bud.

*hurls DVD of “Blue Crush” at you*

I know! Who but Guitar Center tech dorks ever listened to Joe Satriani?

It just reminds me wherever they get to Roy Kent as Hercules, he’s GOT to do the thumbs up, right?

It’s wrong!

In 1985, when I was 13, I was able to read X-Men and New Mutants comics and immediately recognize the social commentary.


Star-Lord, man! The legendary outlaw?

But since no one cares about or reads the comics or listens to Satriani records these days

Dude, who the fuck cares?

Oh god, stop whining about everything being woke. The Silver Surfer is a naked silver alien who zips around the galaxy on a surfboard and is never drawn hanging dong. Swapping-out Norrin Radd for a female character of his species is not the end of the world. The majority of people complaining about this casting don’t

Hey, moron assholes posting about DEI and gender-swapping and blah blah, shit that only the worst people complain about, take two goddamn seconds to remember than this entire arc of the MCU is the MULTIVERSE Saga.

The story here isn’t that they’re doing an alt version of an established character, it’s that they’re

Came here to see what stupid things whiney little fanboys with little knowledge of the characters they’re mad about were saying you did not disappoint. Hell, even if you’d read the article correctly you might have come out okay, but you couldn’t even do that!

Please do like 30 seconds of research before posting, dipshit.

He apparently gave her the Power Cosmic back in 2015, although she wasn’t ever a herald of Galactus.

It’s not like Norrin Radd is such an interesting character that he can’t be swapped out for Shalla-Bal instead.

It’s not really a gender swap/DEI if she’s based on an existing female surfer from the comics. But I guess it still will upset folks. Whatever.

Nothing will prevent the anger, so who cares what they think?

You might have caught in the above story that she is ONE of the Silver Surfers. This is in comics lore but maybe you don’t read comics because they’ve been about DEI since Stan Lee created the Black Panther.