
I have had the “Zaslav is a chud” theory as well (which is supported by what he’s doing to CNN) which makes him pushing so hard for a blockbuster with a non binary lead actor with multiple criminal allegations utterly baffling. Did Zaslav’s entire staff hide Miller’s gender identity from him? Was he confused by them

I’m just gonna assume Zaslav is a misogynistic piece of shit if he somehow thinks Batgirl was terrible, but The Flash was amazing and worthy of release.

That first reveal in the desert just looked so amazingly bad.

I did a quick google and one early response to Confederate was “two white showrunners envision modern day slavery fanfic.... um” - That’s fair criticism in my book.

I’m not sure what damage the Batgirl movie could have done to the Bat brand that Batman V Superman, Suicide Squad and Justice League(both cuts) hadn’t already done.

As I said below, these people clearly don’t know bad from good, so I don’t trust that Batgirl looked cheap. As I also say below, the early word, back when it was going to go into production and there were stories about how Miller basically got it made, was that it was going to be pretty good, fun, and not as

yeah but there is no evidence that they know what “better” means. I was actually surprised at how bad Flash was, the early word on it was not that it was going to be quite that terrible.

The biggest difference is, to paraphrase someone else here (sorry but I forget exactly who), the Confederacy may have lost the war, but they won the peace afterwards. Monuments to the Confederacy, the Antebellum South becoming romanticized, not to mention the flags of almost every state that was in the Confederacy.

Neuralink, duh!

Colin Trevorrow was on the way to the moon until whatever the hell that was that got into him.

Annnd open mouth, insert foot. No sooner had I brought up “Confederate,” the greys reminded me why it was best not to.

I’m just here to express a pet peeve. The word frunk is stupid. A word already exists for this and it’s bonnet.

So we’re just forgetting “Confederate” happened? Because that was their first big thing after leaving GoT, and if not for a certain “very stable genius” somehow blundering his way into 1600, may have gotten filmed.

So we’re just forgetting “Confederate” happened? Because that was their first big thing after leaving GoT, and if not for a certain “very stable genius” somehow blundering his way into 1600, may have gotten filmed.

I got the sense for awhile, post-ST, that Disney was floating all these names and soliciting scripts in order to gauge crowd reaction and see what was the safest bet to go forward. Patty Jenkins was doing something on the strength of WW... until WW84 flopped and then she was out. Benioff and Weiss were doing something

Benioff and Weiss are the “creators” of 3 Body Problem now? I’m sure that’ll come as a big surprise to Liu Cixin, given that he wrote the original novel 16 years ago.

Imagine being such a Tesla/Elon fanboy that you’re willing to risk your OWN FINGERS to try to pwn the haters. That’s borderline Jonestown stuff right there.

So? With safe and reliable Full Self Driving, who needs fingers?

I hate to give credit to disney, but they were smart enough to recognize that Benioff is a fraud. Netflix not so much!

Grammar police and a phallic joke all in one comment? It’s a shame this site only let’s me grant you one star for your achievements 

You’re blaming the design of Tesla Cybertruck?!? What about blaming the poor design of fingers that allows them to be chopped off as easily as carrots?