
That switch is programmable of course.  Trump had it set up for hookers with good urination aim. 

Not to diminish the dangers of a few mega corps owning everything, but that wasn’t the case during the dotcom boom. The Dodo isn’t mythological just because it doesn’t exist anymore.

The incognito browser produced a cheaper flight roughly 7% of the time, but it also produced a more expensive flight 5% of the time.”

I’m torn. On the one hand, I’ve been burned over and over again. On the other hand, I’m a chump and a sucker and a shill and I’m going to watch this anyway.

Jedi fights are a lot lest interesting since they decided that the only force-users who matter could simply shove you from across the room with their mind.

god this looks so good!

Twilight of the Jedi Order is what I think the title’s going for.

At 1:26 and the very end — is that the intro to an epic version of “The Man Who Sold the World”? If so, I hope it’s on the soundtrack!

This isn’t a bad idea for a show, and there’s certainly a chance that the show will be good. But from the way that this is all couched in reference to the “downfall of the Jedi” is that this story won’t be allowed to be its own thing. It will be tied like an anchor to the prequel era and heavy with needless and heavy

The Old Republic is the one 1000+ years prior. The High Republic era is the few hundred years prior to TPM and this series allegedly takes place near the end of that timeframe, as opposed to the recent novels/comics which I believe take place earlier in the HR era.

I’m giving them props for exploring a different era that’s not (as of the moment) connected to original movies.

Jon Favreau has done literally nothing that warrants giving him the reigns to a Marvel movie. An indie movie? An unprofitable kids movie? A Christmas movie? Please explain to me WHY he was given this job.” - a bunch of people in 2007

why should anything “warrant” giving someone the reins.

confidence in project rising.

On the strength of Russian Doll alone, or maybe the pitch was that strong? Like, I don’t need or want Star Wars shows to be helmed by people who have only worked in sci-fi/fantasy. I’d rather watch spectacular failures that tried something different than boring failures that played it safe.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks unpolished and kinda bad? Looking through this comment section, the answer appears to be “yes”.  But I stand by my take.

Carrie-Anne Moss whooping ass? Yup, I’ll be there! 

Leslye Headland’s super talented...and this trailer looks great...dare I hope for another Andor situation?