
It really doesn’t help that wireless bluetooth is already compressed. Pass “lossless” audio over your air pods and you get lossy audio in your ears, with variable bitrate at that. Most competently mixed modern music is designed to sound just fine on shitty sound paths, so you’re usually not missing much.


It seems equivalent to claiming that 4k video and VHS look the same...when viewed on a 40 year old CRT TV.

This, on my phone standard bitrate MP3 is just fine, at home on my Dali Ikon speakers, amplified through my NAD D3020V2 amp. lossless sounds a good deal better. Much more warmth and depth to the audio. But improving further on that would require an exorbitant increase in investment

There is a difference, and I honestly used to care more lol. Initially MP3s were done using 128kbits which actually does sound more like fm radio to me. Newer coding at higher bit rates does much better in this regard. The main issue is the one of diminishing returns.

That stands out for sure. The other fact that stood out to me is that they are even mentioning AirPods, Bluetooth or not.

The problem is these files are large and hard to share on the internet.

Even Elden Ring have ads with Ming Na Wen and Israel Adesanya.

and weirder still, is that he often only uses their faces, and then has a voice actor deliver their lines separately. at least with his non-actor pals.

Cox has been the voice of McDonald's for a few years, he's probably boned up on "I have no idea what this shit is, but I see the check laying right there...."

Annihilation suffers because Garland didn’t read all the books; the Southern Reach trilogy makes much more sense as you travel through the whole story. And it is, by any measure, beautiful.

I want to hear the outtakes from Cox and Shane. “What the fuck am I reading about here?”

30 years of Pokemon explained by Helen Mirren. Let’s go.

Now playing

no no no no. This is only good as a animated property not a “live action” remake. Did we NOT learn our lesson from 2019?!

There’s only like 5 voices that would get me to click on that video. Ian McShane is one of those.

You haven’t seen 28 days later or Ex Machina? shame

You mean to tell me a movie made by one of the best filmmakers working today, one with a near perfect track record, is incredible? I am well and truly flabbergasted.

He would have asked instead, “so what does a typical workweek look like for you as a CEO of an airline?”.

Came to say this. “Stewardess” isn’t a thing. What if a male flight attendant had shown up? This guy’s head would explode.

She says pilot FOUR times. And then he calls her a stewardess which is still not a correct term for flight attendant.