
Ohh, won’t someone think of all the BG3 fans that don’t know what the Forgotten Realms are?

*Cracks knuckle*

Reminds of how I thought of Pacific Rim when I first saw that trailer. Giant robots punching giant monsters...literally nothing else in that movie matters.

Because they look at all the options and go “Yes... ha ha ha ... YES!”

Unfortunately you cannot hyper inflate your right testicle while shrinking your left (a maneuver known as the biggie smalls), however there are at least 3 sliders dedicated to the size, lift, and separation of titties.

I’m pretty sure it’s been confirmed they are selling an equivalent to the stupid Rift Crystal packs in the first game. Which were hilariously bad value for money even if you wanted to waste your cash, because IIRC while the most expensive packs might net you 10k Rift Crystals a single high-level player using your pawn

Shut the fuck up! We don’t need to give them any bad ideas.

There are these creations, and then there is – this…

“Git gud” should not be the response to anyone about anything because it’s fucking nonsense babytalk and absurd flexing. The only appropriate response to “Git gud” is “Git fukd”.

See, I thought the gear rebalance was just fine. It’s just that the spawning feels utterly broken right now.

Pre-patch, I could clear just fine on difficulty 5. Post-patch, we ran the timer out on a difficulty 4 while legitimately playing our best, and it was a goddamn nightmare.

making YouTube videos about the death of bullet Force.”

User reviews still have value as a whole. Review bombings are the exception, not the rule, so it’s important to maintain perspective.

so you are then defending the people who came in and was negative about the changes? why is it ok for them to be negative but not the creators?

Everywhere I saw those dev responses it was met with praise. The people they’re arguing with are the sweats who were kicking people for not running railgun/shield a week ago.

True, though they’re also more likely to give your game negative reviews on Steam, Metacritic, etc. As a general rule, when you’re running a business, you want to minimize negative PR as much as possible. It’s better to just ignore the whiners than to engage with them in an antagonistic manner.

It’s not really the correct response if you’re running a business and trying to sell a product to customers. That’s why PR training exists and why employees without said training usually aren’t allowed to interact with customers.

Reading the comments here is already enough for me to see that there are two extreme factions clashing against each other and I don’t want to be part of that community.

One goes extreme ways against devs, the other goes completely elitist and calls everyone whiners who even dares to criticize anything. Hell, to the

I’m sorry if people took offence [sic] to it”

I have no dog in this fight since I haven’t played Helldivers 2, but this isn’t a real apology. It is putting the onus on the other side and implying that they are to blame.

I think everyone sucks here. Players are being whiny, devs shouldn’t speak to customers that way if they want to be professional. People act like games are their life and their life is ruined if a gun is less powerful, probably only temporarily until they do another balance update.