
Oh man, I’m sorry to hear that. The chuddiest peers I have are all people who got stuck into really basic sexist stereotyping mindsets (including of themselves), where they seem to want to live life according to some sort of sad ‘90s sitcom template (I swear to god, the number of British older Millennials permanently m

I mean, we actually already know who did this, because Patrick Weekes (one of the other writers) posted about it on the Penny Arcade forums not long after it happened. And everything he said tallied well with what we knew from Bioware’s own laudatory mini-documentary novel, The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3 (written by

The Dark Matter ending was never a real ending.

This is correct and there were a lot of other very strange decisions in ME3 that took away from how players saw Shepard - for example in the dreams and hallucinations, Shepard has to be, regardless of their background, regardless of how you’ve played them, a basically parental figure who is desperately concerned with

Just to play devil’s advocate, I’d suggest you’re conflating what the star child believes with what the series believes.”

The “same ending with three different colors” criticism remains correct.”

I shot down a guy who was posting incredibly stupid Warhammer 40K memes on Steam about how Warhammer was being “ruined” by “woke leftists”, just a very casual drive-by comment which I should have been too mature to make, but it was such an easy target, and my god the TEARS. Dude basically had a breakdown because I

A lot of them really are kids. If you ever see the actual discussions they have it becomes extremely obvious that many of them have never even been around women who aren’t parents or teachers or similar and have bizarrely unrealistic ideas about female appearance/behaviour that even alt-right types don’t share,

Edgelords is being far too generous. These guys are wall-to-wall hardcore incels who have never even been physically close to a girl IRL (c.f. the guy who claimed women don’t have any hair at all on their faces, absolutely anime-brained), and probably never will. They make the nerds of my generation look we’re

I’ll never get over the sheer incelity of the guy who was calling Aloy “hideous” and when his dumb bitch buddies agreed, he got into detail, and part of it was that she’s so realistically rendered you can see the fine hairs on her face, and he, god fucking help us, though this was a sign of a “progressive agenda”

He’s been pushing a lot of center-right soft-libertarian, vaguely evangelical Christian bullshit in a bunch of threads so I think we can safely say he’s probably a cunt.

It’s always nice to have smug response but sadly that doesn’t make you correct, and yes absolutely there are people who are bordering on the libertarian working at the Federal Reserve (it’s the same for the Bank of England in the UK). An awful lot of right-wing economists are borderline libertarians, and you’ve been

He absolutely is talking about a family that isn’t your genetic family, that becomes your family through shared beliefs and values (not some kind of fanaticism, as you implied), which shorthanding to “found family” is more reasonable than your completely bizarre take that has the absolute rancid stench of evangelical t

No, that is not the problem. Indeed that’s either peculiar libertarian right-wing view you’re expressing, or you’re completely illiterate economically. I suspect the former. Printing money is not a bad thing. Nor is writing more checks. Only libertarians with no grasp on how economies actually function believe what

I’m not sure he’s the one making the error there. That seems like a rather peculiar take on you part, with roots in very specific traditions and ways of being that didn’t emerge until a very long time after Jesus was around. Indeed it’s more of a 20th/21st century take than his is, interestingly.

It absolutely should not be part of the list. It’s a peculiar and dire sub-genre of its own. Horror has far, far more in common with other SF and fantasy than LitRPG does, and has major, talented writers, many of whom also write SF or fantasy. Indeed most horror is either SF or fantasy, and certainly all the horror

Some of the most effective and mainstream-appeal sci-fi I’ve seen in recent years has come from a very prolific author who also writes a ton of fantasy, Adrian Tchaikovsky, who, if his writing style wasn’t relatively consistent, I just wouldn’t believe could put that all out. Very space-sci-fi too which tends to be

LitRPG should never make this list. It’s drivel and dross and capable of quickly ruining any list it’s allowed to appear on. We’ve already seen what Isekai does to lists of anime, and LitRPG is somehow worse than Isekai.

This is exactly right. These kind of games need fun people, creative people, and lots of people, which are exactly what you exclude when you put any significant price tag on it, especially as those people will usually want to bring friends, because they actually have friends, unlike most tech types. $150 would be

Obviously ChatGPT became briefly sentient and realized an essential truth - beat poetry is the highest calling of sentient beings.