
LOL. Oh buddy.

“Levine opted to go for an “everyone sucks” philosophy but I don’t see why that’s inherently problematic.”

I see that people dismissed Star Wars as having any real cultural impact beyond popularizing the blockbuster for absolutely decades. Even the prequels were coming out, attitudes towards Star Wars were very different.

They’re not even going to get to discovery without some kind of actual case that’s considerably beyond anything Carano has publicly claimed. They’re going to get dismissed.

God you joke but that’s probably exactly it. Only, because where Thiel is evil as fuck but fairly cunning (though the idea of suing Gawker via a third party didn’t originate with him but with a twink trying to get in his good books, I forget their name), Musk is just a fart-huffing moron, so he picked an absolute

Let’s be real - no children are getting shot in a Sonic movie.

I love you man, you’re taking me back to the REAL days of the internet, when we were both young (I assume), by telling me that I’m being unreasonable and need to touch grass because I’m saying a 2" inch height difference from over 20 years ago doesn’t matter lol. <3

Exactly, it’s vile stuff, and there was no reason for it. Even if you want to show revolutions tend to be somewhat bloody affairs (though not always), you don’t have to make the only Black character with a real role suddenly snap to being a child-killing psycho. Just have a lot of bodies in the street, and keep that

kinda-sorta well-meaning ideologue”

Historical precedence is an excuse.

“I’ve learned my lesson”

The sad thing is they probably started development around the same time as Avengers (they had a very long development time), so were back in the horrific era where every game has to be a GaaS - yet in the four years of development after Avengers flopped, they didn’t until near the end figure out GaaS games were

That’s got to be one of the most insane-person responses to a game I’ve ever seen, which is saying something given how long I’ve been on the internet.

both politically and personally, guy’s a douchebag”

Yeah it’s like, I really am a little concerned about his worldview (please don’t make this game into about how “cancel culture” and people being “mean” online destroyed society, there’s a real danger based on the description lol), and he really only knows how to make one game.

He’s cannot complete that challenge because he’s got a very limited but also very vivid imagination for societies and worlds, and extremely “aging NYT columnist” politics/worldview. I don’t say this with hate because I really enjoyed Bioshock and I love the style of the worlds he comes up with but it is a real

I just completely disagree with your dismissive attitude re: how much height and build affect your life. You’re genuinely in denial about it and I don’t know how to change that. But you go ahead and pretend people’s lived experiences aren’t real, countless studies about how it impacts life aren’t real, that someone’s

I mean I’d actually watch that over this for real.

Fascinating that this is just becoming a well-known thing for a lot of people. I kind of assumed everyone knew about the dangers of re-heating rice, particularly rice that got left out for a while, but evidently not. Indeed in the UK our NHS recommends not re-heating rice more than a day old.

We’re really going to have some amazing fatalities as this century rolls on, aren’t we? I’m waiting for “Man chased off cliff by flaming camera drone” personally.