
Perhaps we can send them to Ukraine to aid the war effort. I suspect Russian soldiers would not enjoy being chased around by tiny flaming yellow drones.

I don’t agree, and I think this isn’t really thinking it through.

What appears to be not allowed is for a character to become a better person if they had certain character flaws.

ROFL how the fuck are you starting that post “untrue”, when you immediately confirm that not only is 5'5" true and canon, it’s been true for 20 years! 20 years! I get that we’re all Aging Geeks now not just Angry ones, but fuck’s sake dude, if something has been canon for 20 years, it’s true that it’s canon, even if

Height and bulk simply aren’t features of a person that are critical to who a person, or character is.” - That sounds like something either a short guy, or a very tall guy who was trying to be nice would say!

Honestly I’m all for it. Especially if it means less forced-feeling crossover characters and the like - though we did have that before, The Guardians or whatever it was called was just impossibly dire compared to any of the shows it was pulling from, well, I mean, S1 of Iron Fist was bad but I’m still not sure it was

Hmmm. I’d slightly skeptical of that figure but not hugely skeptical to be honest.

I am steepling my fingers right now so surely this is true!

Even if it’s not as much less as $40m, given the reshoots etc., if they can just avoid reshoots and so on next time they should be able to make a pretty big difference.

they’re less dependent on special effects”

Yeah the ultimate aim here with creeps like Thiel is attempting to legitimize outrageous-seeming deeply unethical and medically unnecessary medical interventions, especially ones only affordable the super-rich or those with incredibly wealth sponsors. It’s attempt to normalize something that should not be normal.

If it was somehow possible to do ethically, so like with a near-perfect computer simulation in the future, I would concur.

Even that won’t be enough. You need to also only have athletes and doctors who can’t be prosecuted or disbarred when they get back to their home countries, for what they did. And as Dr Lizardo says, you couldn’t really prep for this in the US at all - you’d have to ship all the athletes off to Super Villain Island for

Sure, but at some point, unless you’re as profoundly airheaded as say, Donald Trump, you actually want correct legal advice. Certainly, Thiel, whilst a monster (almost literally a vampire, even), hasn’t displayed that level of true brainlessness where you’d rather have a cheap crap lawyer lie to you than get anything

Cruise isn’t playing a convincing Reacher though, ask pretty much anyone who is a fan of the books.

I don’t think I am selling it short, I think you’re unaware of the actual mechanics of VT2/Darktide combat (most of which were also in the original VT), and I don’t blame you for that because I played dozens of hours of it without becoming aware of them until I watched a few VT2 videos and was like “Oh holy shit why

Starfield seems to be heavily inspired by No Man’s Sky, for example.”

I can believe gravitate towards games that don’t have them.

Except this is bullshit with no actual attempt to “improve society”.

I’m not super-keen either from House of the Dragon, because a lot of time she didn’t really seem to nailing the role, especially after we saw Emma D’Arcy be absolutely brilliant as the same character.