
“It was the equivalent of a beloved legacy rock band going on tour and playing their greatest hits alongside a handful of obligatory new songs that sounded just like the old ones.”

It is the CGI.

let’s shoot it like an infomercial about seasonal depression meds is beyond me”

pretty much universally loved”

You’d end up dropping most of the characters with that attitude.

This sounds considerably more cursed than Mork and Mindy ever was.

Yeah if you ignore literally every single thing that Gene Roddenberry every said and act like a giant New York Times liberal, sure. All your “examples” have been discussed in extreme detail and you know that.

I’d say Emilia Jones is the best choice myself, because she can actually act, like genuinely act, and the other two are... okay. They’ve got that TV actor vibe, rather than really becoming the character.

I’ll say it again: he’s more like Zack Snyder than you think.”

I think the issue with the MSQ is that the entire first 50-100 (or more!) hours of the MSQ are incredibly boring fetch quests, most of them with no significant or long-term-relevant story to them. It’s some of the most old-fashioned feeling content in MMOs. That does improve (after getting even worse for a while with

Oh if it’s EU I totally believe you! By the time EU came out everything you’re saying makes complete sense. And they didn’t even start fixing the quest issue until they added Dire Maul and all that, about 6 months in (so 3+ months after EU started).

When I talk about a lack of respect for my time I’m talking about stuff in the game that’s specifically designed to either slow you down or waste your time. Or stuff that’s not necessarily deliberately designed that way but is nonetheless inconvenient enough that it chews up a bunch of time essentially spent doing

Converse like a goddamn civilized human being, holy shit.”

Honestly I’d just really like to see Filoni come back to animation, regardless of the time period. It felt like he was much more “in his element” there than it does with the TV shows.

Alan Ritchson as Shran”

JJ Abrams will no doubt completely revise the origins of Star Fleet, particularly to remove any hints of utopian socialism from Earth that that period, and to make Star Fleet into generic badass American military guys.

No. I’m saying “A Black movie which was a massive dumb blockbuster for morons” would probably do great in China.

The level of ignorance from AV Club respondees here is just shocking. You’re on a site about movies and TV, and you know absolutely fucking NOTHING about movies and TV. Incredibly stuff. Right up there with gamers acting like the art team should be fixing bugs on a videogame.

Obviously that’s what she meant.

I do find the suggestion that they couldn’t drive themselves to set a little odd. I don’t think that’s an absurd request by film companies on moderate budget films.”