
This isn’t true though.

That’s founded on a fundamentally stupid and unsupported idea - that audiences outside the US behave identically or even similarly to US audiences.

With respect, I’m still a little skeptical this happened when the game had just come out in the US. If it was the EU, or the US a few weeks after launch, sure.

Yeah on paper it is absolutely horrific, and the early trailers made me go “Nope”. I still ended up watching the first two episodes but they largely confirmed what I had anticipated.

Whilst I agree re: the difficulty of maintaining a group of people who play as an adult, I don’t think the MSQ really makes up for that. The MSQ is basically just a one-time thing, much of which kind of sucks, though it gradually improves. It gives you what, a couple of hundred hours or more of content, but when

Yeah, if it was someone asking if he’d written both I could understand it, tonally. I mean, I rewatched DS9 during the pandemic and it’s vastly lighter than BSG but still. It’s when people assert he was in charge and then blame him for stuff - and this isn’t the first time this has happened, even! - that it gets real

Yes this seems to be sort of level we’re operating on.

Dragonflight has considerably more respect for your time than FFXIV does, right now, whether one likes it or not, simply because it doesn’t make you play through almost endless solo story content to get there. FFXIV has made cursory attempts to tidy that up, but they haven’t really fixed the issue. You can’t say

7 days after US original Vanilla release? With respect I don’t think you did, mate. You might remember it that way, but you’d have been literally one of the first few people in the world to hit 60 and people would remember that. IIRC the first person in the world took slightly OVER seven days of basically playing 24-7

There’s that, but there’s also been a bit of a more general re-evaluation since they were re-contextualized by Filoni’s Clone Wars series. It doesn’t make them better movies, but in the context of the Clone Wars material, it does make them significantly less actively irritating. He managed to shade in a ton of nuance

Come on dude. Stargate never got beyond being a 7/10 show, nor really below being a 6/10 show. The peak episodes are maybe 8/10, on a scale where some Trek and BSG eps are 10/10. Was it reliable? Yes. Easy to watch? Yes. Kinda fun? Yes. Had anything to say? No. Great? Absolutely not. It’s not in the same category of

I don’t think MacFarlane would do a lookalike casting. They could easily have done that when they lost Halston Sage, but they intentionally went with a very different character. I think they’d do the same with Palicki - the character has plenty of reasons she might want to leave, and they’ll almost certainly be doing


It depends on what you want from an MMORPG.

Yeah I’m just mystified as to why there are so many pointless fights with nobodies. Like, coming off BG3, sure every game can’t be be BG3, but almost every fight in BG3 has some character. Either it’s got a memorable setup, or it obviously furthers the plot, or you know the people involved. There are some more

I don’t think Moore had anything to do with the Pah’wraith stuff, looking at the credits on the episodes involving them (I can’t see his name on any of them, whereas his are on a lot of the more military/intrigue-heavy ones - and the baseball one!), and further, even if Moore does “write as he goes”, DS9 had a

“evidently doesn’t know how to write satisfying endings (see also DS9's final season)“

Again there’s a fairly simple answer and in this case it’s no. The nose will need to be weird and flat -and will get real hot - and even the pilots won’t be sitting up there, it’ll need cameras for them to be able to see where it’s going. Which is fine, that’s pretty well-established tech now and 1000x saner than the

The simple answer is yes, it would be possible to scale up the same principles to a Concorde or larger-sized passenger jet.

I really like Palicki, she’s charming and has the comic chops needed for a show like this, but like, her character is probably the most “lose-able” cast member after Seth MacFarlane himself (who presumably isn’t going anywhere, which is kind of sad - he’s not bad at all but he’s often the weakest link on his own