
Well comey can eat shit and die.

It’s the rare combo of an extremely low bar that’s also very difficult to clear (in that the people who have no idea what they’re doing are also the people making the decision about who to hire).

This is just stupid at this point. Nothing Sam Hinkie has ever said or done has given the impression that he thinks that tanking is the answer to every problem, or that he values draft picks above all else. And the Kings’ roster and situation is radically different from the situation that Hinkie faced when he took

Deadspin’s continued hate for Sam Hinkie is one of the weirdest things. I’m a Bulls fan and I would trade the Bulls roster for the Hinkie-built Sixers one in a heartbeat. I think most other fans of mediocre-to-bad teams would say the same.

Remember that scene in Antichrist where Willem Dafoe happens upon the fox that’s eating its own guts, and then the fox says “chaos reigns” in a demon voice?

Too soon!

sheesh...he didnt even coach them for a minute, man.

I agree but this is one size fits all fourth wave land. Its embarrassing.

If you want her to make a painting depicting white shame, you should commission her to produce one. Emmett Till’s murder took place sixty years ago. Probably well before you were even born. Your outrage for a murder that neither effected you and of which you likely have no emotional connection rings a little hollow.

OK. So you don’t like it.

“I didn’t say we should ignore the incident. I said white people shouldn’t use it as fodder for their own perspectives.”

Should we ignore all events of that era or just this one? Like it or not, the lynching of Emmett Till galvanized resistance to what was happening in the South for many who lived beyond the Mason-Dixon line. There is a rich archive of songs, poetry and film drawing on the murder of Mr. Till as source or inspiration.

It’s the Whitney Biennial. It’s held every other year. Not biannually.

Asking for it to be destroyed ruins their argument for me.

I would say its not a very productive one? I find the rest of her comment very convincing, even though I ultimately disagree. The soundbyte nature of a call for destruction may get more attention (which appears to be the intention?), but I think largely undermines the points made therein and is ultimately destructive

that is...very meta.

I understand the critique of her style softening and perhaps undercutting the brutality of the subject, but calling for the paintings removal or destruction and claiming that the artist has no right to speak to this...doesn’t sit right with me.

I’m sure Pitino will drown out his sorrows in a local Louisville prostitute.

TMI bruh