
Agreed - it's a winners town when it comes to anything but football.

I am sorry that you spent so much time with Texas Tech fans that you think they are the third-most relevant / followed team in the state.

They are not Alex Jones. They are incredibly smart perma-bears with (imo) a hefty dose of hyperbole. If you frequent any gawker property you are familiar with hyperbolic headlines, yes? Now just imagine if they spent 2000 words justifying those headlines, with a few bloomberg screen shots thrown in. If this is your

Totes agree with the retort, analysis and conclusion of the data presented here....but if the question is "does GM channel stuff like a mofo?" an affirmative answer would not surprise me in the least.

Oh, little buddy, oil and natural gas aren't even the same thing. Thought that was given but now I'm not sure we can continue the lesson.

Further proof that nothing matters these days until it ends up on twitter. By multiple accounts, everyone who is anyone in the NBA or media knew he was like this and didn't seem to care as long as the checks were clearing and/or they weren't forced to opine.

I don't know what's happening in the first three other than some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the country. And Utah has some pretty stuff, and mormons. But how about all of those unskilled Texans? Those 52 Fortune 500 HQ's (everywhere) and Silicon Valley Jr (Austin) and energy capital of the world

Maybe helpful to set the time frame, as I think Taj Mahal dining options came along in the last 10-15 years. I graduated in 2005. In 1995 things might have looked more like the the buffet from Vegas Vacation

I lived with a scholarship football player (FBS, private school) for 2 of my 4 years. I'm not sure what "3 meals a day" means but it appears to mean: (essentially) unlimited funds on the meal card for use at any of the 15 or so on-campus restaurants and the off-campus restaurants that accepted the card, "snack" (read:

I assure you that many, many conservative Texans think Baylor is backwards and creepy. You can bitch about taxes and still like to party and sleep around and not care that others do, too. We're not all protesting a Hooters opening.

When I see these studies I always wonder what it means to "work" long hours. I am at work, a lot. Like 80-90 hours a week. And often it is stressful, but usually only over short durations. But I am really at work that much because my industry is inefficient by its nature. So a lot of time I am just reading industry

I was wondering the question you (kind of) raise - do athletes get arrested more than those also making a higher income (something high enough to be kind of high but low enough to have data - 100k?). Peruse your local county arrest records on any given day and "homeless" and "laborer" are often the given occupations

Prophesy: In 20 years, "of" will "of" fully replaced "have". Thy will be done.

The turntables have turned! That's fair.

Other than the spelling and pronunciation you nailed it.

Yeah - what's next, the 4th largest city in America electing a Lesbian mayor? That'd be the day, amiright?