
I managed to get up that tower without fighting the guardians. I put on the Climber’s Bandana, which increases your climbing speed, and went for it. If you duck down on the ledges going up the tower, the Guardians can’t see you. I had to jump as I climbed and had a few close calls (either with my stamina running out

I’ve had two Blood Moons. The first one I experienced actually spawned a boss right where I was standing. I was in the woods east of the Dueling Peaks when it happened. After the cutscence, there was a giant Stalkoblin RIGHT THERE. It was named and had a boss’ health bar.

Noped right out of there.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Avatar came out, wasn’t there talk of it being a franchise? I seem to remember the video game being hyped as an expansion on the mythology, and I think that James Cameron was talking about sequels even then. Granted, it’s been so long that I reasoned that the window of opportunity had

Playing this game with the mini-map off has made me a believer. I will never play a game with the mini-map on ever again.

What really makes this game work, more than anything, is that it doesn’t penalize you for exploring and taking risks. You can nope out of any combat encounter or find your way back to civilization if you get lost by fast-traveling from anywhere on the map, no waypoint or signposts needed. As long as you have enough

You are a brave soul. I stick to just energy drinks and Mountain Dew as my gaming drugs, and even then only sparingly and just to stay awake to squeeze another couple of hours out of my evening. I’m on both anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds, so I have to be careful with both stimulants and depressants and CANNOT

It’s not just a “punchable” face. It’s a “punch me” face. A punchable face is one which, should the need arise, I would feel no guilt whatsoever punching, but generally can get by without being punched. A punch me face is one that is actively begging to be punched without provocation.

Cassandra was trained from birth, but that’s really the only edge she has over Bruce. It’s quite the edge, but Bruce has managed to pack a whole lot of experience into the time he’s been fighting. A fight between them could really go either way.


Conversely, I want to see Wolverine in a Deadpool movie, but not with Hugh Jackman playing him. I want Wolvie to be recast, then have Deadpool go “YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” on him.

Nah, theyll have nothing to worry about. The way Trump will disarm the left will be by restricting guns from the mentally ill, and by mentally ill I mean literally everyone who is on medication for even the most moderate case of a mental/mood disorder. The next mass shooting we have, everybody will hop on the

The order supposedly allows for refugees who are religious minorities, so in areas where Christians are the minorities (I would imagine most of the countries being targeted) they would be free and clear.

I’m pretty sure they think that Wikileaks were the good guys.

Oh, it was years ago. Had the surgery, recovered well, no problems since. Thanks!

As someone who has had an inguinal hernia, I can tell: that was the right move.

Thank you!

Right, at this point I can’t help but feel that you’ve had some negative experience with Blizzard and are thus heavily biased. You keep saying “it’s on Blizzard,” yet you’ve been given several examples on why it’s not legally on Blizzard at all. If you want to argue that what Blizzard is doing is unethical, that’s one

So we’re supposed to forgive rape because it’s just a case of poor judgment? Can we get that extended to all the other crimes? Because I’d really like an Xbox One, and I’m pretty sure if I get drunk enough I’ll have the idea that just stealing one wouldn’t be that big of a deal.

Well, I do have one more thought to share regardless.

Section 9(B)(iii) of the Battle.net EULA: