
Note that, as good as these look, you’ll likely never be able to get your hands on them. Because of licensing restrictions, manufacturers NECA are only going to be able to sell these at conventions, not online or in stores.

When I hear people bemoan about a character’s gender (or race, or sexuality, or whatever) being a non-issue, my reply to always ask them then what’s the big deal about having a female (or not white, or homosexual, or whatever) character? Why always go with the default since it’s, you know, a non-issue?

Yes, and no.

I have a love/hate relationship with this book. I thought it was a fun concept, and there were some fairly-well written scenes in it, but MY SWEET LORD ERNIE WE GET IT YOU’RE A RICH NERD.

They would include Vulture just so we could get a big aerial battle between him and Spider-Man, which would be cool to see. I have long thought, though, that Mysterio should have been an onscreen villain—and Keaton would actually be pretty good in that role, since he would be playing a variation of his Birdman characte

The only issue I have with Ron Perlman playing Cable is that Stephen Lang would be a much better choice, but no matter who they cast, it should be an older actor who looks like he has some miles on him.

You wouldn’t need to see all of Daredevil though. In the Spider-Man movie, we could see Kingpin get out of jail and have some brief background on him being a major crime boss who did some time. There be a couple of scenes where he sets up the plot, and we don’t see him again until the end of the movie—where Spidey and

I’ m actually okay with the movies and shows co-exisiting, but not necessarily, feeding into each other, be it Netflix or ABC. After all, not all of the comics are totally interconnected.

I was late to the Overwatch hype party. I played the beta a little, had mixed feelings, but the more I thought about it, the fun I had outweighed my reservations, so I pre-ordered and pre-loaded over the weekend. I’m really looking forward to playing tonight.

Probably. The Witcher 3 went on sale (and digital copies were playable) at 7:00 PM Eastern the night before its actual release date, because the developer decided to launch all over the world at the same time.

He was also the best thing about the Doom movie that currently exists.

I remember thinking it wasn’t that bad when I first saw it, but then again I haven’t had a desire to see it again since, so there’s that.

Now that I know which is the smear frame in the animation of McCree drawing his pistol, I swear I can’t *not* notice it now.

The funny thing is that this comic would actually be a decent basis for Doom movie.

Even that particular type would snatch up a female action figure for the sake of their collection (they just don’t want real-life women participating in the collection culture).

That is the assumption, and anecdotally it’s true, but it’s also a real chicken-and-egg argument.

Does he make appearances at birthday parties and if so is he free this fall?

From what I understand (and I could be wrong, but I seem to remember reading this way back), the right to FF and X-Men are a package deal, so for Disney/Marvel to get one, they’d have to buy both. While the FF movie was a let down, the X-Men films still perform adequately at the box office. So, even if Fox wanted to

But then he wouldn’t be able to interact with his environment right?