
You think Geralt has to pause and mentally switch between what spell he’s about to cast?

If I understand CDPR correctly, Heart of Stone takes place during the main story of TW3 and Blood and Wine takes place after it. That’s the way I’m playing it, anyway. In fact, I was going to hold off on finishing the main quest until I played both DLC, wanting to truly “finish the game,” but having learned about the

The writers and directors like to think that the film takes a neutral stance, but there’s a very big clue as to whose side we’re supposed to take: it’s in the title.

“I’m not going to publicly announce that something discriminates, which is agreeing with their letter, because we’re really talking about a letter in which they’re trying to define gender identity,” McCrory said in an interview Sunday with Fox News. “And there is no clear identification or definition of gender

Stories covered by conservative outlets (like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, and Newsmax) that were trending enough to be picked up by Facebook’s algorithm were excluded unless mainstream sites like the New York Times, the BBC, and CNN covered the same stories.

That is my new favorite and I will be stealing it from you.

Probably because both medical care AND labor is so messed up in this country. :-/

This whole quest line reminded me of The Two Towers, where most of the film (and book) is spent preparing for this big battle against impossible odds. The only difference is that in the moment where all seems lost in the film and its source material, a savior shows up and turns the tide. In The Witcher 3, not so

Not a lawyer, but having been fired from a job I can testify that yes, we are indeed an at-will state. Your employer can fire you because they don’t like the way your face looks, and they’ll get away with it too because they don’t have to give any reason. Just tell you to pack your shit and leave and not come back.

Hard for me to get excited about this. The current NC state government would rather lose all federal funding—education or otherwise—than back down on this. Take it from somebody who lives here: this is the only thing people care about. The legislature has done such an amazing job (I mean, they’re the bad guys, but


Once I saw that this game was on GoG, I no longer cared what happened the rest of the day.

Here’s what I go through every year.

A lot of my debt is because of emergencies and unexpected costs, but a lot of it is because I simply was bad managing my money. I would see something I want, tell myself I’d pay it off in 2 or 3 payments, and never did. That accumulated over time. A lot of that was because I was struggling with depression and looking

Don’t feel bad. They were not tears of sadness. They were simply tears.

You just made me cry a little just now.


How do you define people “outside of the case?” Does this mean that the police and attorneys should only interview the accused and the alleged victim? Do witnesses have to sign an NDA? Is the public not allowed to attend the trial? Should arrest and incarceration records no longer be public?

Right now I’m trying the “snowball” method of paying off my credit cards. Basically, you start with the card that has the lowest balance and pay a flat rate on it until it gets paid off. Pay the same amount each month, regardless of the minimum payment (I’m doing $100). Then, once you get that paid off, add whatever

Doesn’t matter whether they have or not. If somebody sends you a death threat, the expectation shouldn’t be that you just shrug it off as Internet Tough Guy Posturing. Sure, 99% of the time that’s exactly the case, but it only takes one legitimately dangerous person to act on the threat for your life to be genuinely