
15 is just One Piece

Not unlike the books where Gerald has to do jobs to finance his search for Ciri

He could be an Arab Spaniard. A Mozarab from Al-Andalus

True, so it was 2001?

When was the last time we saw a sexed-up male robot ? Or Ai!

My bet: Thanos will be warring the Guardians and Xandar to get the Power Stone, leading to an intense but short brawl Guardian’s cameo before falling back with the stone and escaping to Earth to get the last ones... Or maybe the same thing but in Knowhere, since Ti’van has the other stones

Inhuman now

Dino? Fucking skull screams “mammal” and “canine”!

What is not coming to Gotham?

Since Latino audiences mean studios themselves make their own mex-Spanish dub/sub, it’s gotten better

Brasil didn't even tried

Avengers 200 http://www.vox.com/2014/11/5/7138099/captain-marvel-background-history-movie

1980 http://www.vox.com/2014/11/5/7138099/captain-marvel-background-history-movie

Not everything! Incest rape. ☹

Breed the with very small dogs like Chihuahuas? Although you may end with a greater freak

it’ll come in trailers

Robbie and Cisco nerding out!

The Convention of the Law of the Sea, international law jurisprudence, international customary law and other treaties establish that pirates are “hostis umanitas” or enemies of mankind. As such, you’re an international criminal skin to a war criminal or a genocide. Any country has legal jurisdiction to arrest, judge

TZ fans are 50+. Not a sound future instrument

Klaw could be behind Killmonger, not the first time westerners use proxies