
Another reason not to do it: the (low) possibility of being denied life insurance based on something found. Health insurance can’t be denied based on results of genetic testing (thanks to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act), but life insurance can.

There are many infuriating things about this story, but the largest is that CBS puts exactly none of the onus of resolving the conflict on the guy, and all of it on the woman. That is some obscene victim-blaming right there.

Thanks for this. I didn’t get all the way through (I’m at work), but I appreciated very much his call for empathy.

Possibly for the reasons that Rolling Stone gives, that Laura didn’t consider it criminal (but rude, gross, etc.), and that Laura and Louis CK had been dating. Possibly bc Laura didn’t want it spoken about in the monologue. Possibly because Sarah didn’t feel it was her story to tell.

I’m totally with you

Did you see this interview with Sarah Silverman?

DATES???? omg. Putting that responsibility on you was not right or kind. That sucks. I don’t know what to say. That is awful. I’m sorry.

Thanksgiving....don’t do it! Go to Cracker Barrel! Much more fun, and much less angst! (that list is horrible, btw, and I feel for you)

That sounds utterly awful, and I’m sorry for tiny you. But she might have needed to work. If she was caring for two young kids on her own, her employment had to happen at some point during the day, and maybe it happened while you were (supposed to be) sleeping.

I think it’s helpful to not be independently wealthy. My purpose is (in part) to make enough money to be able to have housing and food, in order to *not die*. The time I have left (not allocated to working hours) is so valuable to me, that I don’t waste it in wondering what I want to do. My mind tells me what I want

Totally keeping John Oliver. You’re not required to watch him, you know. And dissenting opinions will not ruin the country (it would be a pretty sad country if it could be ruined by opinions that don’t agree with yours).

thank you. I came here to say this. (and you said it better than I was going to)

He’s totally cheating on you (for all the reasons the others have already mentioned). Don’t bother trying to find out who with (via tracking software or find my iphone); spend your money and time replacing your toys and finding a new place to live. Good luck, because that sucks.

OMG, thanks for the Captain Awkward recommendation!

I love the photos of Obama and kids. What a tremendous person he is.

thanks so much for these! I hadn’t heard of Gudrun Sjoden, and I love her now.

I think she wears the glasses to hide a perpetual grimace.

No kidding. I heard this all the time.

wow. I don’t blame you.

This is not about friends, but about employers. I have a kid now, but for the longest time, I was a free bird. My employer thought that “free bird” meant that I was available to do social work events on evenings and weekends, and I was pressed to do this much much more than any of my colleagues. Dear Employer: being